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  • P-ISSN1229-4632
  • E-ISSN2733-5925
  • KCI

A study of the subjectivation in the Park kyoung-ri’s early novels

Feminism and Korean Literature / Feminism and Korean Literature, (P)1229-4632; (E)2733-5925
2019, v.0 no.47, pp.287-313
kim yenie


In terms of feminine writing, I will investigate the feministic success of Park Kyung-ri’s novels by studying what the memory of denial means to female characters in Park kung-ri’s early novels and how they overcome the memory of denial. Female characters in Park kung-ri’s early novels do not have fathers. In this situation, their family consists of a mother and daughter in their childhood. The image of their fathers is negative or is not appeared. Because their mothers shows just maternal instinct without femininity, or they are dominated by neighbor’s disdain, the female characters can not identify themselves with their mothers. The female characters in Park Kyung-ri’s early novels have a difficulty psychologically individualizing for building up their basic identify. And the memory of denial becomes escaping home due to rumors in hometown such as honor killing. The female characters choose to escape their community which blames women about a love affair by unfair standard to women, even though men and women do that together. Female characters who cannot join the community are forced out on autistic situation, they can choose only to escape their home for keeping their lives. Lastly, the memory of denial in Park Kyung-ri’s early novels is a double torture. One is they feel they are sexual object as a matriarch, another is a poverty. The female characters seem to accept their situation for keeping their lives because they are living in the male-dominated society which considers female characters as a sexual object. But they deny to be a part of that society. They cannot accept patriarchal order and androcentric sexuality. It is not a simple matter of right and wrong. The female characters autonomously choose it for the way to live, not the way to be. I think this point can make people to estimate the feministic value of Park Kyung-ri’s early novel. Also, it implies that Park Kyung-ri’s female characters will deny dichotomous view of woman and have uncompromising attitudes against patriarchal system by showing their subjectivation.

Park Kyung-ri, Park kung-ri’s early novels, subject, subjectivation, the memory of denial, 박경리, 박경리 초기소설, 주체, 주체화, 부인의 원체험



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Feminism and Korean Literature