ISSN : 1229-4632
The feminist view, which began to emerge increasingly from the periphery of our culture in the late 20th century, is now being clearly verified by how valid the problem was at that time in various chapters, including politics, economy and culture. However, there are still a handful of researchers who search for data in this field and seriously explore methodology, and the field of research is limited to some categories of classical literature and Chinese literature. In particular, the research of female Chinese poems is more dwarfed by other genres of research such as novels, lyrics and sijo. This is because previous Chinese studies did not recognize that intensive treatment of Chinese poems by female authors was a very effective and productive study. It is true that the female writer’s Chinese poems are significantly less in the amount than the male writer. But the significance of Han Shi, a female writer, is not something that can be gauged by the current amount of her poems. Chinese poetry is the genre most actively chosen by medieval subjects when they want to express their sentiments and reasons in writing. Thus, the life and culture of people living in time and space of the Middle Ages are revealed in abundance. In order to make women’s history and perception of their traditions more balanced, they first need to observe the lives and inner consciousness of women of the time. At this time, Chinese poems by female writers are the most important and meaningful subjects. Going forward from the study of female writer Han Shi, building up the history of female writer Han Shi literature can create the right restoration of women’s history and a proper and efficient understanding of women’s literature.
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