ISSN : 1229-4632
Conceived by the problematic consciousness that the description of the literary history of women’s poetry was needed as a transitional work for the description of the literary history of gender poetry, this study set out to examine the perspectives required for the description of the literary history of women’s poetry, propose methodologies for description, and look into the issue of dividing periods in the literary history of women’s poetry. As for the perspectives required for the description of the literary history of women’s poetry, the study raised the possibilities of reading women’s poetry anew and writing new literary history of women’s poetry by interpreting actively the "agency" in women’s poetry based on the perspective of intersectional feminism. This study reviewed again the formal and aesthetic criteria, content criteria, connective criteria, and influence-related criteria discussed as the criteria of value in the formation of canons from the feminist perspective and proposed their utilization as the description methodology in the literary history of women’s poetry. Based on the description methodology for the literary history of women’s poetry according to the four types of criteria, the literary history of women’s poetry was divided into five periods: Period 1(1910s~1920s) when modern women subjects made a declaration and experienced a frustration, Period 2(1930s~1960s) when the femininity vested in the nationalism feminism was reduced, Period 3(1970s~1980s) when women’s identity was established as subjects of writing with feminist aesthetics discovered, Period 4(1990s) when there were experiments and challenges with feminine writing, and Period 5(2000s~2010s) when the gender awareness spread with the emergence of various voices.
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