ISSN : 1229-4632
On the studies of Korean long piece novel, it is not yet illuminated that the revenge and violence inflicted on villain. This paper analyzed the aspects of revenge murder, which male main character acts on a female villain, the justifying process of it, and comments and silence of people around in the different positions on the Korean long piece novel 〈Ha Jin Yang Mun Rok〉 and 〈Yu Ssi Sam Dae Rok〉. Jin Se-Baek and Yu Hyun murdered Ha Kyo-Ju and Jang Sul-Hye cold blood who had been punished by the state law. What we focused on is not just the fact of allowance, but the process of justifying through the view of each characters different social positions. Ironically, the narration of Mn-yeo designed by male main character gave the opportunity to speak about incompleteness of it.
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