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The Politics of Discord Appeared in Poems of Goh Jung Hee –Focusing on Madang-gut poem

Feminism and Korean Literature / Feminism and Korean Literature, (P)1229-4632; (E)2733-5925
2021, v.0 no.53, pp.161-191
Lee Eun Young
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Goh Jung Hee’s Madang-gut poem transcends boundaries and projects reality, causing tension and conflict between the patriarchal order, the political order caused by the military dictatorship, and the social hierarchy. Through this, the aspect of a compartmentalized social order is revealed, triggering tension and conflict. Madang-gut poem is a style of poetry that the poet sought as a way to emphasize the sense of vocation of the times through the formal change of poetry. And the content of Madang-gut poem gradually visualizes the social situation of the 1980s with the passage of time. In the first and second Madang-gut poems, the object sung by the magical narrator appears as “us” of the oppressed people, but in the third Madang-gut poem, in a specific aspect, they are individually called out. Also, the social situation that Madang-gut poem reveals is revealed in the first Madang-gut poem in the form of a remorse that longs for us at the borderline between life and death. However, in the second Madang-gut poem, by paradoxically staring at the real world as a haunted situation, the invisible is made visible by inflicting a rift on the order of the fixed share of society in the 1980s. After that, in the third Madang-gut poem, the voice is clearly expressed in discord with the political and social forces that are trying to fix the existing ruling order. It shows the structure and situation of discrimination and exclusion surrounding workers, peasants and women, and criticizes the military dictatorship harshly. And it reproduces that those who fought against the military dictatorship were workers who were excluded from the center of the community in the social structure of discrimination who did not have a linguistic system to represent them. Although they have been excluded from the political framework of society as people without authority and ability and without a share, they appear in the form of legitimately claiming their voice and share through a conflict that causes cracks in the divided world. And Madang-gut poem visualizes the politicity of Goh Jung Hee’s poetry by creating a new form of political subjectivization by showing that our society is closer to equality and liberated through the power of this discord.

고정희, 마당굿시, 굿시, 장시, 여성시, 불화, 정치성, 감각의 나눔, 1980년대, Goh Jung Hee, Madang-gut poem, Gut poem, Long poem, Feminine poem, Discord, Politics, Sharing of senses, 1980s



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Feminism and Korean Literature