ISSN : 1229-4632
Around the 1930s, a class and gender shift in society took place. Rather than a sequential process, the complex division and reconstruction of modern individuals by class and gender hierarchies was a simultaneous and reciprocal process that occurred alongside changes in the cultural landscape, and it became visible in society as a relational characteristic around sexuality. Since the 1920s, when romantic love became a trend, intellectuals who were concerned about sexual disorders vocalized the need for “scientific knowledge” about sex and sex education. Accepted as new knowledge and a modern knowledge system, sexology, the science of desire, naturalized gender differences by describing changes in modern relationships between men and women as biological sex differences. Once the 1930s began, there was widespread recognition that the social system was in a transitional period; that is, there was an awareness that families were in a state of bankruptcy and that sexual chaos had reached its peak. What happened to the formation of discourses and social systems surrounding sexuality in the 1920s and 1930s? This paper analyses narratives, print media, and other publications to identify changes in the recognition of sexuality and the social system surrounding in the 1920s and 1930s. The paper simultaneously identifies the existence of sexual desire through forms of confession, and reveals the process whereby “the obscene” was constructed and made into the target of sexual education. By analyzing scenes where sexuality as a threatening force is constructed as the basic principle of an individual’s life, this paper confirms that sexuality was employed to construct an epistemic base for the individual, society, and the nation(/state) alongside a reorganization of society centered on sexuality.
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