ISSN : 1229-4632
The main purpose of this paper is to inquire the relation between the Kasa and Gender centering around the Gubang Kasa, which was produced from the late of Chosun Dynasty to the early modern period. After 18th Century, Kasa which had been enjoyed by the literati as the path of their cultural expression began to representative way of writing of the period as diverse minority groups involved the production and distribution of Kasa. The remarkable point is the emergence of autobiographic Kasa which contains the personal history of the women including their growth, marriage and family life. It can be said that the autobiographic Kasa came up to the surface as a consequence of sharing the cultural trends which encouraged the sub alter to express themself and their own life. Through writings of Kasa they call attention the meaning of their own life and identity. In addition the Kasa, emerged from the field of Kubang Munwha ( the culture of aristocrat women) in the late of the Chosun Dynasty provided the women with the path to describe their life looking back upon the past with emotion. This paper pays attention the fact that writing and reception of Kasa encouraged the women to share their own life with other women and embody their identities as a group or an individual.
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