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  • P-ISSN1229-4632
  • E-ISSN2733-5925
  • KCI

‘Young Girl’ Motive in the Bong JoonHo's Movies

Feminism and Korean Literature / Feminism and Korean Literature, (P)1229-4632; (E)2733-5925
2010, v.23 no.23, pp.275-308
Woo Suk Chung


The movies directed by Bong JoonHo are the friendly works which give 2000's Korean movie as the most important result, equipping a popularity and a artistic achievement simultaneously. Externally are visible as interestingly easy talk structure, but keep the possibility of multi layer analysis and discussion together, margin an argument in terms of feminism. This article pays attention to 'young girl motive', appears commonly in his works but still not discussed so far. From 「Memories of Murder」 the feminine victim of serial killer grows multiple appearance but the decisive victim who accomplishes as an climax is the young schoolgirl. Her sacrifice brings the feelings of guilty and helplessness, disruption of identity to the rational masculine subject. The girl in 「The Host」 is the youngest person in the popular representative family of the Korean society. This movie solves the actual problem of the Korean society with fantasy of the monster extirpation and the work, selects the young girl as the scapegoat of the mythical imagination which is modernized. In 「Mother」 the young girl who gets killed, does the vector duty which is distinguishing the fatal demoniac characteristic of motherhood. When catching the point even which throws away the development of the Korean society as the relationship of the mother and the son, the sacrifice of the young girl is necessary as ever as means of the recognition. Repetitive application of the ‘sacrificed young girl motive' is a safety bolt which guarantees the Bong JoonHo's movies with popular sensitivity, social criticism and the depth as multi-dimensional text.

Bong JoonHo, young girl motive, scapegoat, 「Memories of Murder」, 「The Host」, 「Mother」, 봉준호, 소녀 모티브, 희생양, 「살인의 추억」, 「괴물」, 「마더」



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Feminism and Korean Literature