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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

Vol.21 No.1


There are increasingly more and more social movements aimed at justice and rights in many cities around the world. Also, justice and rights discourses are influencing progressive urban academia. These trends seem to be a reaction against the force of neoliberal globalisation. In this paper, I review the background and main focus of justice and rights discourse in progressive urban studies, argue that justice and rights discourse is currently important and useful, and finally I propose ways in which these two respective types of discourse can be utilized to help improve building our cities.


기존 사회운동 연구는 사회운동과 공간간의 관계에 대한 분석이 미약했던 상황에서 광장의 정치는 공간의 존재와 역할을 환기시켰다. 여기서 공간을 강조하는것은 광장을 지키는 것 자체가 목적이 되는 공간물신론을 지향하는 것은 아니다. 필자는 현재의 광장에 대한 정치 논의가 공간물신의 함정에 빠질 우려가 높다고본다. 공간물신의 함정에 빠진 광장의 정치는 광장의 정치에 내포된 해방적 힘을지배세력이 선택한 특정 공간에서 소모시키는 자위로 끝날 수 있다. 도시권 개념을 바탕으로 본 연구는 첫째, 광장의 정치를 통하여 사회운동에 있어서 공간의중요성을 밝히고, 둘째, 광장의 정치의 목적이 물리적 공간인 광장을 지키는 것으로 한정될 때 광장의 정치의 해방적 힘은 축소될 수 있음을 확인하며, 대안적으로 광장의 정치와 도시권의 다중 스케일적 접근을 제시한다.


The purpose of this paper is to identify issues regarding academic competitiveness and achievement between cities. Current public educational competitiveness have many serious problems. First, academic achievement gap between schools in an urban area as well as the areas is considerable. Second, the rights of students are threatened. In some cases, students who get low academic grade go to the high school far from their home. It damaged the rights to the city of student seriously. Third,the promoting prestige high school project was prosecuted by the local government of low academic leveled cities’. This abnormal policy cause the waste of the cities’budget. Therefore this paper encourages standardization of high schools to advance present educational problems.


Recently modernist urban development models have been criticized in terms of failing the sustainability of nature and human, human-nature relation, human-human relation. This paper critically investigates the limits of modernist urban development models and analysis the features of new urban paradigms including mega-region and MetroNation, global city, network city, creative city, ubiquitous city,eco-city and town, healthy city, slow city, smart growth, new urbanism and urban village, compact city, Japanese new urban village, local agenda 21. Finally complementary conceptual frameworks or pathways need to enlarge alternatives of new urban paradigms based on reestablishment of spatial efficiency concept, use and excavation of urban specific assets, new concept of growth engine and market, conversion of modernist planning and guarantee of democratic assets in the urban political process, endogenous development strategy for sharing growth benefits.


Given the low growth and deepening social polarization, recently, there are increasing concerns on social enterprise in South Korea. Korean government established the act and policies on social enterprise firstly among Asian countries and some departments in central government have launched the specific supporting plans related on social enterprise respectively. However, the policies and supporting plans of social enterprise should be scaled down on local government, considering the spatial scale of social enterprises running substantially. This studies examines the historical and institutional contexts of Italy, which the origin of social enterprise stemmed from. Especially, focusing on experiences of ‘Another Economy’ in Rome under the left/reformative local government, this study will give Korean LGUs some implications for the policies on social enterprise.


본 연구의 목적은 부동산 중개윤리제도의 문제가 부동산중개관련 사고의 빈발과 일반국민들의 부동산중개업 및 공인중개사에 대한 높은 부정적 인식이 나타나는 이유들 중의 하나임을 논리적으로 규명하고, 이에 대한 제도적 발전방안을 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위해 연구방법으로 신제도주의 이론 중에서 합리적 선택 신제도주의를 이용하여 논리적․연역적으로 부동산 중개윤리제도의 현황과 문제점을 분석하고 발전방안을 모색하였다. 이러한 합리적 선택 신제도주의의 분석틀을 본 연구의 목적에 맞게 단순화하여부동산 중개윤리제도의 공식적 제도로서 부동산중개업법률 중 중개윤리관련 규정을 살펴보고, 비공식적 제도로서 부동산중개업관련 협회의 윤리헌장 내용과 이것의 집행관리를 고찰하였다. 연구결과, 공식‧비공식 제도에서 문제점을 도출할 수있었고, 이에 대한 발전방안을 제시하였다. 이러한 제도적 발전방안을 통해, 합리적인 유인구조를 구축하고 합리적 행위자의 전략적 선택이 사회전체적으로 바람직한 성과로 이어지도록 유도할 필요가 있다.


In order to see reconstructing identities of foreign immigrants by type(that is,marriage migrants, returnees from China, Nikkeijin immigrated from Latin America,Zainichi Koreans, and migrants workers from South-East Asia) in Japan, this paper suggests a typology of identity with two axes; one is the blood which regulates nationality, the other is the way of life cultivated on the basis of places of daily life, and then examines interrelational and multiscalar processes of identity reformulation in relations with Japanese civil society and nation as well as Japanese local dwellers. This paper also points out that policies for supporting foreign immigrants have been initiated by innovative local governments, and then recently the so-called ‘multicultural coexistence’ policy is actively pursued by many local governments indifferently with their ideological characters. And hence, characters of local organizations for supporting foreign immigrants in Japan have developed various characters and differentiated themselves in certain relationships with local governments. But multicultural coexistence policies, especially implemented by recent conservative political powers, seem to deepen discrimination with foreign immigrants,which are mainly established on the so-called ‘Nihonjinron’ emphasizing the homogeneity of Japanese race and culture. It is suggested that the contextualism,a version of the Nihonjinron, can be seen as a model with which one can explain why multicultural identity is required, and can be developed, on local lifespaces. Finally it is argued that Japen needs to institutionalize local-global citizenships in order that foreign immigrants reform their real multicultural identity, and that Japan transforming to multicultural society can reconstruct new local, national, and global identity.


Space and Environment