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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

Vol.21 No.4


The 8‧10 People’s resistance at Gwangju Grand Housing Complex in 1971 occurred by the government and Seoul city’s shortsighted, unprepared policy for the urban poor in moving them to a new settlement, Gwangju Grand Housing Complex. When the government imposed far expensive sale price for the land than expected, those who bought the partitioned land organized a committee in order to reduce the price by appealing for the government. While Jaeil church and local elites led by Chun Sung-Chun represented the people’s demand in the beginning and created a space for mobilization, the crowd gathered for demonstrating their grievances on August 10 violently expressed their enragement, which proved the biggest people’s resistance since the Korean War. The people’s violent action of the day seemed like hostile outburst with no clear goal or target. As it remained an autonomous peoples’ resistance, it stopped on the day’s afternoon when the crowd heard the news that Seoul Mayor, Yang Tack-sik accepted all the demand the representative committee. Although the incident occurred and ended suddenly and in violent fashion, it left some important lessons both on the government’s city-restructuring policy and urban poor’s social movements thereafter.


The so-called ‘8‧10 Seongnam Uprising’ in 1971 was a urban riot which broke out against the incredible price of government-supplied land and inhuman living environment in the Seongnam new town. This accident has been defined as an immoral and illegitimate urban violence of the urban poor who were forcefully evacuated out of the central Seoul. However, this definition reflects the standpoint of the ruling elite who intended to undercover this accident for its image of disgrace to them. Hitherto-suggested characterization on this accident can be summarized into three key words: rampage, resistance and struggle. By reviewing the existing interpretation critically, this paper attempts to redefine the 8‧10 Seongnam Uprising as the urban weak’s first collective action to assert and protect, in Lefevre’s terms, their ‘urban rights’ even at a primordial level. By doing so, possibility is sought to come across the urban identity of Seongnam City which will be instrumental to its self-centered development in the future.


8‧10 광주대단지 사건은 현재 성남시의 공간적 사회적 성격을 규정하는 중요한 단서가 되고 그 기능은 아직도 계속되는 현재진행형의 사건이다. 현재 성남시가 안고 있는 사회적 공간적 문제의 근원은 8‧10사건과 직‧간접적으로 연관된다. 구시가지의 왜곡된 도시공간은 지금 성남시 최대의 이슈인 전면적 재개발 문제로귀결된다. 신구시가지 문화적 장벽은 사건의 공간이미지 생성과 분리해서 생각할수 없다. 그동안 8‧10 광주대단지사건의 성격과 의미를 조명하려는 시도들이 있었으나 사건을 시공간적으로 분리하여 접근함으로써 사건의 현재적, 실천적 의미를 얻는데 미진한 측면이 있었다. 의미는 생산되는 것이다. 의미가 생산되는 기제는 계열화와 배치이다. 사건과 관련된 그룹마다 상이한 계열화와 배치를 통하여자기들에게 유리한 의미를 생산하고 있다. 현재 성남시의 공간‧사회문제를 둘러싼 논란의 바탕에도 계열화와 배치를 통한 의미들이 생산되고 있다. 이러한 필연적 과정들을 우회하여 문제해결을 시도하는 접근들은 재검토될 필요가 있다. 그것이 사건의 의미를 구성하는 방식이 될 것이다.


Chungnam is one of the fastest-growing region, but ranks highest in the ratio of the difference between Gross Regional product and Gross Regional income. Income-outflowing to other regions, instead of income-allocation in the area, results in this kind of big gap between production and income. In this article, we examined the difference between production and income, and the income inflow and outflow among 16 Regions nationwide and Chungnam, using regional distribution income statistics published after 2009. We found Chungnam has a branch factory economic structure, which causes extreme income outflowing to other regions. Therefore, Chungnam should change to the endogenous growth strategy from the exogenous growth strategy when it attracts company investment. In Korea, the one region centered structure still exists as income and consumption are concentrated in Seoul. In order to solve income outflow between regions, the economic structure of headquarter in Seoul and local branch factories in Chungnam and other region should be changed.


This study aims to analyze overall facts and figures of urban regeneration projects and to present policy alternatives that are proper for changing paradigm. The Theory of Social Justice by J. Rawls deals with issues on what to distribute from the original position. Assuming that certain primary values are discussed for distribution, Rawls insists the Principle of Difference in which the least advantaged takes the advantageous position. In particular, this study formalized the Principle of Decision for the structure of urban regeneration projects with each principle of justice through investigation of the significance of the Theory of Social Justice by J. Rawls in urban regeneration projects. According to the principle of decision for the structure of urban regeneration projects, the principle of decision for the structure of projects is classified from the perspectives of objectives, procedures, and benefits of the project. The evaluation standards for the analysis of current facts and figures from the perspective of the objective of the project were set as ‘improvement in housing and life quality’ and ‘intensification of public benefit through restriction of possession rights’ and those from the perspective of the process of the project were set as ‘openness’ and ‘fairness’ for the project process. Those from the perspective of the benefits of the project were set as ‘fair equity distribution of development gain’ and ‘fairness in guaranteeing residential stability’. Technical evaluation elements were set specifically through additional discussions.


최근 많은 지방자치단체들이 장소마케팅과 지역개발의 수단으로 경쟁적으로 올림픽경기대회나 세계박람회와 같은 대규모 행사를 유치하기 위하여 경쟁해 왔다. 그러나 이러한 대규모 행사는 항상 지역발전을 보장해주는 것이 아니며, 어떤 행사는 재정적자와 불균형발전이 원인이 되기도 한다. 이 논문은 대규모 행사의 유치와 집행의 구조를 분석하여 파급효과가 어떻게왜곡되는지를 대규모 행사의 사례를 연구함으로써 분석하고자 한다. 사례 대상이되는 대규모 행사로는 인천세계도시축전, F1 자동차경기대회, 2012 여수세계박람회, 2018평창 동계올림픽경기대회 등이다. 이 연구에서는 특히 공식적인 예산서나 감사 결과서, 수입과 비용을 담은 계획서를 주로 분석대상으로 삼았다. 사례 연구를 통해 대규모 행사는 당초의 유치목적을 달성하지 못하는 경우가많음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 실패의 원인으로는 임기 내 가시적인 성과를내고자 하는 지방자치단체장의 느슨한 계획, 낙관적인 예산 전망, 과장된 명분 등이 작용한 것으로 나타났다. 사례 연구에서 대규모 행사는 결국 지방자치단체의재정적자를 유발해내는 반면 파급효과는 크지 않음을 보여주었다. 이 연구를 통해 대규모 행사의 유치구조와 집행체계는 유사하지만 지역발전효과는 상이함을 알 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 대규모 행사를 유치하기 전에 지역의상황이나 유치 후에 건설된 시설의 활용가능성을 미리 검토하고, 대규모 행사의유치에 대해 신중할 필요가 있음을 확인하였다.

Space and Environment