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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

Vol.24 No.2

; pp.5-37

주택체제란 한 나라의 주택정책, 제도, 문화, 시장 상황 등이 압축된 '얼굴 모습'과 같은 것이다. 각 나라의 주택과 관련된 특성을 그 정치‧경제‧사회 시스템과 연관 지어 설명하는 틀이다. 주택체제론은 담론적 논의가 갖는 추상성에도 불구하고, 다른 나라와 비교하거나 미래를 진단하는 데 유용하다. 우리나라 주택체제는 서구의 논의가 적용되기 어려운 조건을 가지고 있다. 아직 복지정책이 맹아기에 머물러 있고, 주택시장에 대한 국가개입의 양상이 다르기 때문이다. 이는 동아시아 발전주의 국가의 특성이 반영된 것으로, ‘강한 국가 개입’과 ‘높은 가족역할’을 특징으로 한다. 그러나 이 틀은 주택시장 상황과 발전주의 국가의 성격 변화에 따라 다양한 모습으로 진화해왔는데, 이 연구에서는 3개의 시기로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 우리 주택체제는 앞으로 시장 자유화와 가족 역할의 약화를 겪기는 하겠지만, 그 복합적(hybrid) 성격은 오랫동안 지속될 것으로 본다. 이런 상황에서 발전주의 국가 특유의 자산기반 복지시스템을 연착륙시키고, 주택점유형태 간 균형 있는 지원책을 펼치며, 도시재생의 새로운 모델을 도입해야 하는 과제가 있다.


The purpose of this study is to identify the natures and characteristics of homeownership policies in South Korea, their outcomes and limitations, and the growth potential of the homeownership sector. Homeownership policies in South Korea are characterized by new housing unit supply-oriented developmental growth model. And homeownership has been contributing in filling the gap of fragile public welfare and creating individual assets. Homeownership policies mainly depend on the supply of new housing units. 34.8% of new housing units were supplied between 1990 and 2005 and 47.0% between 2005 and 2010, contributing to the growth of homeownership in South Korea. Not only new housing supply ‘Steppingstone Housing Loan’ to be applied more widely in 2014 and ‘Share Equity’ will lead the growth of homeownership in the future. There are, however, factors that threatens the homeownership sector, such as low growth, uncertainty of housing market, increase in single households, declining demand for homeownership, growing number of aged poor, etc. In conclusion, the sustainable growth of the homeownership sector requires improved housing affordability, prevention against the loss of homeownership, focusing on the transactions of existing housing units rather than those of new housing units, provision of low-cost or affordable housing units for single and younger households, introduction of phased homeownership policies and more forward-looking supportive system.


최근 전세가의 지속적인 상승과 가속화되는 월세화에 대한 우려가 인구구조적인 변화에 대한 우려와 함께 적지 않은 논란을 초래하고 있다. 본 연구는 국내 주택임대시장의 장래 전망과 그런 변화에 순응하는 합리적인 정책대안을 제안한다. 장래 주택임대시장을 전망하는 데 있어 가장 중요한 사항은 전세 및 보증부월세에 기초한 국내 주택임대시장의 작동기제를 이해하는 것이다. 결과적으로 국내주택임대시장은 안정적인 임대소득이 아닌 가격상승으로 인한 자본차익을 추구하는 임대사업자가 유지될 수밖에 없는 구조가 형성되어 있으며, 이로 인해 적지않은 사회적인 불협화음을 만들어내고 있다. 또한 주택시장은 안정적인 재고가 유지되는 임대시장의 형성이 어렵고, 기업형 민간임대사업자의 진입이 어려운, 개인 민간임대사업자 위주의 주택임대시장을 유지하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 최근 발생하고 있는 월세화 현상은 시장 사이클이 아닌 구조적인 변화로 판단된다. 다만 그 속도는 보증금이나 전세금이 부채인 레버리지라는 특성상 급격하기보다는 점진적인 변화가 예상된다. 따라서 저성장 기조에서 유지될 장래 주택임대시장을 안정화하기 위해서는 기업형 민간임대사업자의 무리한 육성책보다는 개인 민간임대사업자인 다주택자에 대한 긍정적 역할을 확대하는 것이 효과적인 정책적 방향성이라고 판단된다.


This study is purposed to prospect the future of public rental housing in Korea and present policy issues. As a result, continuing budget constraint, decline in capacity of LH(Korea Land and Housing Corporation) to supply housing, and development of housing allowance will decrease new public housing projects and strengthen residual nature of public rental housing in the name of efficient utilization of stocks. To response to these risks, the research proposes that new institutionalization should be needed: (1) using private rental housing as semi-public housing for low-income households, (2) expanding the role of local governments in supplying public rental housing.

; pp.178-219

The land readjustment projects has the path dependent tendency regardless of the political power change and politics, economy, and social change from the period of Japanese occupation until 1980s. This path dependency is the major insistence of the historical institutionalism among the three branches of the institutionalism and the imbalance of power relation and historical junctures is adopted as the explanatory factor. Therefore, this study aims to analyze ‘What is the reason why there was no change of system until 1980s, it was continuously the land readjustment projects maintained from the period of Japanese occupation?’ and ‘What is the reason why the land readjustment projects is adopted as the land policy?’ The analysis frame sets to an element the Institutional Setting(Context), Historical Junctures, Imbalance of Power Relation, Policy Change which the historical institutionalism insist. The result of analysis, path dependent of two views can be analyze. First, the land readjustment projects changes gradually by the Institutional Setting(Context) and historical context from the period of Japanese occupation until 1980’s but there was no sudden change of the system because of being not of the alternative of the changed system and professional manpower. Secondly, Japan or Korean government was altogether formed in the land development means of policy by the public demand for land and this was continuously maintained. There is the common-point that this method can solve the land demand without public financial input.

; ; pp.220-251

This paper is to investigate the policy conflict between Seoul city and Gangnam district government on the public development of Guryong Village (one of the unauthorized villages). The purpose of this paper is to determine the roots of the policy conflict between the two factions (the city and the district) and its surrounding circumstances. The result of observation shows first that there are two segments of the conflict - before and after the participation of the Seoul government where its own public development plan was announced. Secondly, it can be recalled that it was originally concerned by the private development sector only, but when the issue was extended to the government sector, the issue became more aggravated. Finally, this study implies that both governments (the city and the district) have varying grounds in support of their arguments, which are economic-based by the city and cultural-based by the district. However, political conflict is the main issue in this regard but under the pretense of their supposedly economic or cultural grounds that they project in their conflicts.

; ; pp.252-286

This paper argues that one of the social costs of power transmission policy based on large-scale power facilities in South Korea is social conflict at the site of transmission lines. To support it, this paper analyzes Miryang transmission tower conflict with multi-scalar perspective; scale politics. For analysis, agents of conflict, main discourses, disputes, strategies of agents, riskscape, and scale strategies are scrutinized over the process of conflicts. At early stage of conflict, damages in health and property of residents were put into questions and conflict took place at the space of dependence. However, as skepticism was raised to the scientific legitimacy and policy feasibility of the power transmission construction work, residents came to recognize that this conflict is closely related with the problem of energy policy of South Korea which is heavily based on nuclear power generation. And the scale of conflict expanded to space of engagement and also to the international scale. In particular, the scale jumping of conflict were initiated and suggested by residents not by outsiders like experts, activists and politicians. According to the analysis, this paper suggests transformation to the soft-energy system is required.

; (Rheinischen Friedrich - Wilhelms - University Bonn) pp.287-302

Space and Environment