ISSN : 1225-6706
This paper rearticulates the concept of the urban commons based on the existing discussions on the commons and the urban as well as the historical experiences around community and the state in the Japanese and Korean contexts. The widely accepted grammar of the commons premises community, resource, and practice as the basic components of the commons. This is, however, not only strongly connected to the image of traditional commons but also reinforcing the dualist epistemology. The urban is not a bounded territory but a planetary process that erases differences between the rural and the city. Building on Lefebvre’s discussion on the urban, the paper argues that the urban common is the common embedded in the labor process of our era, where production and exploitation of surplus occur in the whole society beyond factories. As the commons is constantly captured by capital, the urban common also appears to be the biopolitical struggle over the dominant form of life. Nangok Heemang Medical Cooperative, as the example of the urban commons in Seoul in the 1970s, demonstrates how the condition of the urban commons, where one must encounter others, facilitates the process of becoming, i.e., subjectivation.
본 연구는 경의선공유지, 배다리공유지, 솔방울커먼즈를 상호비교하여 도시 속 공터를 공유지로 전환하려는 활동들에서 포착할 수 있는 도시커먼즈적 논제가 무엇인지를 탐구한다. 세 가지 운동은 역사지리, 입지적 조건 그리고 주민 공동체성의 차이로 전개 양상이 달랐지만, 도시 속 유휴부지를 공유지로 전환하려는 시도라는 공통점이 있다. 도시는 토지의 상품화 정도가 높고 사적 소유가 곳곳으로 침투해 있으나 나대지, 빈집과 같은 공터가 존재한다. 배다리의 공터는 토지와 건물 활용의 경제적 가치가 낮은 까닭에 과소이용되어 생겨났으며, 경의선공유지의 공터는 경의선 지하화에 따른 도시계획 과정에서 발생했고, 송현동은 도시규제로 인해 공간 조성이 지연되어 공터로 남아 있었다. 이들 세 가지 운동은 국공유지인 유휴부지 혹은 국책사업 과정에서 생겨난 공터를 둘러싸고 발생했기에 국지적 젠트리피케이션에 맞선 장소 투쟁보다 규모가 크며, 중앙정부의 기관 및 지자체가 관련된 주요 행위자라는 특징을 지닌다. 공터를 공유지로 전환하려는 세 가지 운동은 소유와 활용 간의 충돌을 빚었고, 그 과정에서 공유지의 사회적 가치는 무엇이며 공유지화 시도는 어떻게 정당화될 수 있는가라는 물음을 촉발했다. 세 가지 운동은 공터의 ‘비어 있음’을 다양한 도시커먼즈적 활동으로 채웠지만, 도시 속 공터가 그 상태로 남아 있기란 어려운 일이었다. 토지 소유자에 의해 공터가 특정 용도의 공간으로 조성될 때 공유지 활동주체들이 그 과정에 개입할 여지는 적다. 더욱이 국공유지인 유휴부지를 이윤추구형 개발에 활용하는 것이 아니라 공원으로 조성한다면, 그 방침은 공공성과 공익성을 담보한다고 여겨지기에 공유지 활동주체들은 그간의 활동을 유지하기가 어려워진다. 그럼에도 세 가지 공유지 운동은 공공공간의 공익성[공공소유(public ownership), 공중의 접근(public access), 공중에 의한 사용(use by the public), 공적 편익(public benefit) 등]의 가치를 도시커먼즈적 관점에서 되짚어야 할 필요성을 보여주었다.
불평등과 빈곤, 기후위기와 같은 시장경제와 현대 사회의 문제점에 대한 대안으로 국가나 개인 또는 사적 자본의 소유가 아닌 커먼즈(commons)가 다시 주목받게 되었다. 커먼즈 담론이 도시 공간에서 나타나는 새로운 형태의 커먼즈들을 설명하기 위해 진화하면서 도시 커먼즈(urban commons)라는 개념이 등장하게 되었다. 한편 동일한 문제인식을 바탕으로 지역주민 다수가 공동으로 소유하고 운영하여 지속적으로 지역사회에 기여하는 공간인 사회적 부동산이 등장하였고, 최근 우리나라에서도 여러 사례들이 나타나고 있다. 따라서 이 연구는 도시 커먼즈 담론이 우리나라에서 아직 충분히 논의되지 않은 상황에서 도시 커먼즈와 관련한 논의를 정리하고, 최근에 우리나라에서 등장하고 있는 사회적 부동산 사례를 도시 커먼즈적 관점으로 분석하여 이론적 확장에 기여하고자 하였다. 도시 커먼즈 논의를 살펴본 결과, 도시 커먼즈는 전통적인 커먼즈와 달리 기존에 주어진 공동자원의 관리보다는 새롭게 커먼즈를 만들어가는 전 과정과 생활양식을 의미한다. 따라서 그 종류도 매우 다양하여 유형 자원뿐만 아니라 무형의 자원도 포함하며, 도시의 특성이 반영되어 참여자의 경계가 모호하거나 유연하게 변화한다는 등의 특징을 갖는다. 우리나라 사회적 부동산 사례로 목포의 건맥1897협동조합을 분석한 결과, 공동체와 제도, 공동자원 차원에서 도시 커먼즈의 요소를 대부분 포함하고 있었다. 특히 부동산이라는 가시적인 공동자원을 형성한다는 특징으로 인해 더욱 뚜렷한 공통의 가치를 가질 수 있었고, 참여자의 경계가 유연하게 적용되었으며, 일정 정도의 배제성을 갖는 공간이라는 등의 도시 커먼즈의 속성을 가지고 있었다. 결국 사회적 부동산은 도시 커먼즈의 일환이면서 중요한 기반이기도 하며, 도시민의 일상적인 삶에서 필연적으로 연결되는 부동산 소유권의 문제와 관련하여 매우 중요한 역할을 한다고 할 수 있다.
Which relation is between the creation of shared value and the amount of resources? This study began with the question of whether urban commons exist in areas with concentrated poverty and, if so, how they differ from existing commons. Ethnography research methods were used to show the existence and formation of urban commons in areas with concenrated poverty. The information collected through participatory observations and interviews. The data analyzed according to case study analysis techniques and general guidelines for anthropological ethnographic study. The main subject of the study is the Cooperate Restaurant in Donui-dong Jjokbangchon and the fieldwork site is Donui-dong Jjokbang. The results of the study are as follows. First, it was confirmed that the Restaurant is the urban commons consisting of resources, communities, and protocols. Second, it is similar to existing urban commons case in that it was formed around common problems in areas where resources were scarce, but it was different from the commons in the background of the location of agricultural and fishing villages. Third, the existence and participation process of the key commoner was described. Through this, it was shown that the role of ‘people’ in forming commons is important. This study aims to contribute to expanding the academic discussion of urban commons by describing commonalities and differences with existing theories by analyzing urban commons in areas with concentrated poverty. In addition, as a study that attempted to define and interpret the poor by possibility rather than deficiency, we intend to present a new perspective on restoring and seeking share value through the case of areas with concentrated poverty.
The current climate, ecological, and health crises appear in the form of complex disasters due to inter-connectivity, frequency, repetition and inequity of disasters. The critical acuteness of the current situation goes to the stage of climate emergency or climate hell beyond the climate crisis. As a process of moving toward comprehensive views, a new framework of perspectives and concepts is needed, which is based on the multilateral analyses on the present emergency. Therefore, this paper aims to seek integrated approaches for grasping the nature of today’s complex crises. Then, this paper presents the concept of ‘Planetarity’, ‘Safe and Just World-Earth System’ and ‘Planetary Corridor’ as a proper way. By and through these approaches, we can overcome the polarized dichotomy between ‘World’ as a human community and ‘Earth’ as an environmental condition. The planetary approaches encompass the World and Earth system simultaneously with the planetarity, a heterogeneous space-time where irregular entanglement and co-existence of multiple, but contradictory facets occurs. The pursuit of planetarity and a planetary corridor will broaden a theoretically and epistemologically feasible path toward safe and just solutions of complex disasters.
This study looks into and seeks to explain the causes of the rapid increase in the ‘conversion of farmland’ in Korea in the 1980s and the interests of the state involved in the phenomenon of ‘conversion of farmland’. Existing studies on ‘conversion of farmland’ mainly understand ‘conversion of farmland’ as an inevitable phenomenon due to urbanization or recognized it as a problem due to insufficient systems and policies. This study seeks to develop a discussion based on the awareness of the problem that such an approach does not explain the characteristics of ‘conversion of farmland’ in Korea and cannot be a causal analysis to determine the cause of ‘conversion of farmland’. The reason for the rapid increase in ‘conversion of farmland’ in the mid-1980s was that with the emergence of a liberal agricultural policies and the development of farmland mobility policies, farmland could be used as a land resource to facilitate development gain and reinvestment. The emergence of a liberal agricultural policies weakened the cause of farmland conservation at the national level. In addition, the state actively utilized development gain formation and reinvestment mechanisms using ‘conversion of farmland’ to cope with the crisis of legitimacy during weak fisical situations. Since public land development introduced after the 1980s was based on the design of re-investing by forming development gain, the government was able to cope with the privatization of development gain while minimizing finances as they proceeded with housing supply and city construction. In implementing this development method, the state bypasses fisical problems by using an agent called a state-owned enterprise for urban development. This analysis was accompanied by a change in the way land resources have been utilized by the strategy adopted by the state to overcome the crisis of legitimacy since the 1980s, and this change suggests that it is being revealed in detail through ‘conversion of farmland’.
This article analyzes the experiences of asylum seekers from Yemen who entered Jeju Island in 2018, based on Jørgen Bærenholdt’s concept of governmobility and mobile ethnography proposed by Mimi Sheller and John Urry. How state and non-state agents regulated the mobility of Yemeni asylum seekers, how techniques of governmentality were used, and how they internalized the discourse, norms, and ‘truths’ generated during this process are examined. The article also draws attention to how the asylum seekers’ subjectification affected their own mobilities. The experiences analyzed through the lens of mobilities reveal the power dynamics that reflect the hierarchical relations caused by their dependence on state and non-state agents. At the same time, the article illustrates how Yemeni asylum seekers are by no means simple receivers of the state and non-state agents’ governmobility strategies, but are agents themselves that can challenge top-down control and create their own spaces and social relations. Despite heated debate sparked by the presence of Yemeni asylum seekers in Jeju Island in the summer of 2018, their voices have been absent in public discussions. By shedding light on human rights issues such as injustice, exclusion, and discrimination, the mobile ethnography of Yemeni asylum seekers provides an opportunity to reflect on South Korea’s refugee policies from a critical viewpoint.