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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

Vol.33 No.4


This paper aims to propose an alternative way of explaining “Gangnam-ization” by reinterpreting the process ofGangnam -style urbanization based on concepts such as the relational view of place, affective urbanism, networked territoriality, and hegemony. As existing studies on speculative urbanization focus on economic and institutional solutions to curb speculation, there is a lack of understanding of the social, cultural, and spatial aspects that shape the speculative desires of the urban middle class. Based on these concerns, this paper explores the discursive representations of Gangnam -style urbanization, how these representations are articulated with the various affects emerging from the process of Gangnam -ization, and howGangnam-ization becomes a hegemonic urbanity and becomes the dominant idea and common sense of the urban middle class. Through these explorations, this paper reveals that the hegemony of Gangnam -ization is not driven by any single central and powerful force, but is the outcome of a highly uneven and complicated historical and geographical process that has been shaped by a complex interweaving of diverse material, discursive, and affective forces operating in a number of Gangnam -style new towns and at multiple spatial scales.


Through the autoethnography of residential experiences and self-perceptions of residents of new towns in South Korea, this study examines the affection of Gangnam urbanism that dominates their residential practices and its fractions. In the historical process of Korean urbanization, Gangnam urbanism was developed as the complex consequence of the ideological structuring of the policy planning for the middle-class residential model conceived in the 1960s and 1970s, the housing supply system focusing on the construction of apartment complexes and new towns, and the collective housing practices of citizens in the field of speculative urbanization that expanded in parallel. The reason for focusing on residential experience as a research object is that residential practice as a ‘bodily’ sensation and performance is an affective force that amplifies and reproduces the ideological structure that presupposes Gangnam as an ideal residential space model. By analyzing the autoethnographic narratives of 33 in-depth interviews, this study reveals how the process of housing practice reorients individuals as speculative subjects, the affective mechanisms that orient individuals as speculative subjects, and identify the limits and the possibility of fractures in the dominant Gangnam urbanism that exist behind speculative subjectivity in their statements.


This study aims to examine theories of affective economy from the perspective of value theory, and to analyze the affective economy surrounding residents’ perception and practice of housing value(s) in the new town of Kwang-kyo. To this end, it re-reads Marx’s value theory and defines ‘exchange value’ as a historical and affective construct and a fundamentally speculative value. It then traces what kind of affective relations and forces constitute a speculative body oriented toward exchange value and how housing value is or is not reduced to exchange value in the daily lives of Kwang-kyo residents through an empirical analysis of their perceptions and practices around housing value. Kwang-kyo New Town is an area where prices have risen steeply among the first- and second-tier new towns, fulfilling the desire of residents to move up the residential hierarchy through residential mobility. While many residents consider housing value an asset and seek to increase it, this sometimes conflicts with the needs and demands of family members and the concrete everyday values of quality of life. The research analyzes how affects oscillate, connect or slip while incompletely reducing to the abstract exchange value by focusing on the keywords ‘gambling’, ‘luxury’ and ‘heritage’.


This paper aims to comprehensively develop the concept of ‘urban formation’ as part of a search for possibilities and alternative directions of urban transformation, in order to respond to the problems and crises caused by speculative urbanization not through its internal adjustment, but through an alternative transformation of the urban project. For this purpose, this paper first conceptualizes the relationship between ‘the city as assemblage’ and ‘the urban formation’ and explains how this conceptualization contributes to urban transformation as a field of practice. Next, the paper briefly conceptualizes the practical implications of ‘speculative urbanization’ in the hegemonic territorialization of the city as an assemblage today, and how catachresis and ban, which constitutively occur when certain urban formations are imperfectly represented, emerge in neoliberal urban projects that attribute ‘speculative urbanization’. Finally, the article explores the possibilities of constructing and representing the banned as the subject of subversion and emancipation against speculative urbanization articulating with the ‘urban commons’ movements.


디지털 네이티브로 묘사되는 청년 세대가 온라인 플랫폼이라는 가상공간을 만남의 장이자 세계 확장의 매개로 활용하면서, 지역 커뮤니티를 어떻게 구축하고 있는지 탐색한다.이에 대한 질문은 첫째, SNS를 통해 지역 커뮤니티를 형성하게 된 배경을 밝히고, 둘째, SNS를 매개로 형성된 이웃 관계의 특징과 효용을 파악하는 것이다. 연구 결과 청년 1인 가구에게 인접한 이웃은 예측할 수 없는 존재, 미상의 존재로 인식되어 불안감을 고조시켰고, 존재만으로도 안전을 위협할 수 있는 가능성을 내포하고 있었다. 홀로서기 하는 청년들에게는 주거지가 사회로부터 오롯이 자신만의 영역을 확보하고 타인의 시선으로부터 자유로울 수 있는 최소한의 공간이다. 따라서 그 의도가 어떻든 간에 자신을 알아보고, 개인 영역가까이 다가오는 것을 원치 않았다. 반면 ‘SNS 이웃’은 개인의 영역을 확보할 수 있으면서도, 만남을 시도하는 개인에게 다양한 ‘선택’의 기회가 주어지며, ‘즉시’ 만나 각자의 욕구를 해소할 수 있다는 점, ’교환가치’를 관계의 전제로 한다는 점에서 차별성을 지니고 있다. 이는 온라인 플랫폼이라는 매개적 특성이 반영된 결과이다. 교류 과정에서 지속적이고 친밀한 인간관계의 어려움을 느껴 좌절을 경험하기도 하지만, 한편으로는 동네에서의 다양한 만남과 경험을 시도하게 됨으로써 공간 인식의 범위가 확장되고 애착이 강화되었다. 동네에서 마주치던 익명의 타인이 만남 이후에는 ‘나와 비슷한 사람’으로 현화(現化)하며 인간군상의 다양성을 체득하기도 한다. SNS를 통한 관계 형성은 아무런 연고 없이 정착한 거주지에 익숙한 관계와 장소를 만들어 가는 디딤돌이자 ‘현재에 충실’한 행위, ‘일시적 뿌리내리기’이다. 또한 SNS가 매개한 ‘사람과 관계’가 1인 가구 청년이 주거지에 정착해 나가는핵심 역할을 한다는 점에서 다시 한번 지역 커뮤니티와 이웃의 의미를 되새길 필요가 있다.


This paper analyzes the process of micro-subjectivation surrounding care and elaborates on a feminist ethics of care from the commons perspective. The commons is the most basic way of human livelihood based on ‘precariousness’, an existential condition of human beings. However, capitalism, which began with dismantling the commons, has subverted the purpose of livelihood and enclosed care, an act towards others, in a privatized realm of the modern home/family. Bin-Zib, a co-housing experiment aiming to revitalize commons in the middle of the city, not only challenges the dominant forms of work and home but also reveals care as a critical site of subjectivation. As Bin-Zib actively embraces the ambivalence of interdependence with others to expand a web of communism, participants are asked to recognize and participate in invisible care relations. Here, care emerges as a process of co-working for engaging people in commons and of collective ‘becoming’ through which they expand their ability to care.


This study analyzes the policy structure and operational status of women-friendly cities. It also analyzes the policy directions needed to transform women-friendly cities into ‘urbanization for women’. As a theoretical tool for analysis, it redefines the concept of ‘right to the city’ in a feminist way. Women’s right to the urbanization is a right to politicize the ‘minimal difference’ caused by gendered urbanization to create a ‘maximum difference’, and a right to change the context of gendered urbanization and create a new urbanization. The contents of women-friendly city projects are subject to the ‘minimal differences’ caused by masculinized urbanization, such as ‘care’ and ‘safety’. The operation of basic local governments also reflects the limitations of the Women Friendly City project. This is similar to masculinized urbanization strategies that reconfigure and abstract women's identities to reproduce sexist structures. In order for women-friendly city projects to overcome their existing political limitations and move towards ‘urbanization for women’, it is necessary to shift the theoretical foundation of the project itself to 'urbanization for women'. It is also necessary to politicize the “minimal difference” caused by masculinized urbanization and set a new goal of the project to create a “maximum difference” by changing the urban context.


본 논문은 중국 남수북조 공정 다큐멘터리를 분석함으로써, 국가 주도 발전주의 담론 속으로 다중적인 근대화의 담론들이 포획되고 있음을 제시하고자 하는 시도이다. 기존의 동아시아 발전주의 국가의 댐 건설 연구들은 경제발전에 수반되는 정치·경제적 근대화와 그에 비판적인 입장을 취하는 환경주의 담론에 대해 다루었다. 발전주의 국가의 댐 건설 다큐멘터리에 대한 선행연구에서 드러난 재현은 경제발전 담론과 그와 대비되는,우선순위에서밀려난 환경보존 문제 또는 수몰 지역 이주민들의 애수와 망향의 이미지가 주를 이루었다. 남수북조 다큐멘터리에서는 댐 건설을 경제발전의 근대화만으로 환원하지 않고, 근대화의다중적인 측면들—경제발전 및 근대국가의 치수와 수리공정의 중요성뿐만 아니라 과학기술, 문화재 발굴 및 보존, 환경, 이주민 복지의 문제—이 모두 포섭되어 병렬적으로 재현되고 있었다. 즉, 남수북조 다큐멘터리 속의 중국 정부는 경제발전을 가장 우선시하기보다는다양한 영역의 이해관계 당사자들을 적극적으로 논의의 장으로 이끌어 내고 동원하고 있음을 발견하였다. 하지만 국가 주도 발전주의에 포획된 다중성은 여전히 이해관계 당사자들의 다양한 목소리를 선택적으로 채택하는 전략을 통해, 각 담론의 영역 모두에서 특정 목소리를 배제하는 양방향적인 과정을 거쳐왔음을 지적할 필요가 있다.

Space and Environment