ISSN : 1229-4632
This study inquires about family deconstruction and its solutions in the novels after the 1990s focusing not on 'family, but on 'families'. By speculating on the novels after the 1990s, 'The family in Question' are based on 'patriarchy', 'psychoanalysis' and 'capitalism'. Each of these aspects also attempts to construct a new family through 'abjection', 'family roman' and 'nomadism'. Therefore, the novels after the 1990s criticizes the oppression of familiar ideologies by dissaproving the 'Sant-Family'. These novels have revealed a more strong character of an 'alternative to the family', rather than that of an 'alternative family'. However, the novels after the 1990s delineates that it is easier to overcome familialism when resisiting against father, nation, regulataion and law not like Oedipus but like Antigone.
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