ISSN : 1229-4632
One's wife and concubine conflict appearing in the family novel is characterized by a strife which promote homosexuality reconciliation process, a number of women to occupy a grab males. 17th century is a period until the patriarchal system is still patriarchal system in order to have time on his way to ensure the maintenance could not be settled. Therefore ln <sohyeonseongrok> it made in this period resistance and men who want to build a patriarchal system, and this will generate a conflict between women who wish to pursue their own desires. However, women in this process if they desire and abandon the cause irony that only a desire to abandon the pursuit of his desire seems to be characterized by withdrawal hatred. In the process, women need to pursue and beautification with Saint Woman presenting characters are 'susinseo' for the role of social patriarchal system built by forced even the implied reader as well. Therefore, the reader reads the <sohyeonseongrok> is forced to agree with those implicit homosexuality reconciliation while achieving an orderly went to the patriarchal system is established. In this paper, we examine whether to pay attention to this aspect subjective Female Consciousness in sohyeonseongrok this the family novel, while combined with the genre look around the desire of women to be refracted through it implicitly forced homosexuality reconciliation is what is implemented.
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