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  • P-ISSN1229-4632
  • E-ISSN2733-5925
  • KCI

Instrumental Masculinity of Techno-Nationalism and Misogyny in Korea

Feminism and Korean Literature / Feminism and Korean Literature, (P)1229-4632; (E)2733-5925
2015, v.0 no.36, pp.92-116
Sun-Ok Lee


This study attempts to survey the recent trends of researches on misogyny and to analyze the Korean characteristics of misogyny. The discourse topography surrounding misogyny is divided into three areas : first, the perspective to interpret the relation between the anxiety of neo-liberalism and hatred, second, the emotions- sociological analysis of the relation between the management of emotions and the power after modern society, and third, the researches analyzing gender politics and the causes of hatred phenomena from the feminist perspective. Recent researches take a step forward in the discussion to examine the dynamics between hate emotions and hate speech from the socio-psychological perspective; they probe into the problem which the sociological perspective misses in analysis of the far-rightand researches on fascism. However, while concentrating on the theoretical interpretation of sociology of emotions and hatred, instead they seem to be negligent to understand the historical particularities of Korea. That would be thought of as they judge was sufficiently discussed about misogyny remarks repeated each era, so to speak, 'Sinyeosung'(modern girls), 'Jayubuin'(Madame Freedom), 'Chumbaram- ane (wives who got hooked on dancing), and 'Deonzangneu' (snob women who are partial to luxury items despite their financial inability), etc.. Indeed the discussion to resolve the anxiety of colonial masculinity and achieve the imaginary unity of masculinity by using misogyny is far from new. Yet it has need to clarify what hegemonic masculinity composition is specifically repeated misogyny, and what ideology is operated in the process in which masculinity factors and femininity factors are restructured and which the priority between the opposite factors is changed. Only by doing so can the characteristics of our society where misogyny forms the backbone of hatred be understood. This study analyzes the modernization process in which scientism was taken as the ruling ideology and techno-nationalism was pursued, in relation to the masculinity composition. Scientism can be said to be the representative ideology that has passed through Korean modern history from social darwinism in the 1900s, as the solution to the national crisis discourse that can stand up to the West was mystified into scientism. The techno-nationalism in the 1960s-70s comes to take up the instrumental masculinity excluding emotions for the hegemony masculinity while pushing forward the rapid modernization projects. Misogyny can also be said to be a phenomenon that reveals the hatred toward emotions, that is, human vulnerability. It is judged that particularly misogyny in the hatred phenomena is made into the foundation of social integration due to scientism and instrumental masculinity.

Misogyny, Emotion, Affects, Scientism, Masculinity, 여성혐오, 감정, 정동, 과학주의, 남성성



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Feminism and Korean Literature