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  • P-ISSN1229-4632
  • E-ISSN2733-5925
  • KCI

New Woman and Japanese Military 'Comfort Women' as Thresholds - Retrospecting Studies on Colonial Sexuality in the Ruins of Pastoral Capitalism

Feminism and Korean Literature / Feminism and Korean Literature, (P)1229-4632; (E)2733-5925
2014, v.0 no.33, pp.7-40


This paper's purpose is to retrospect studies on colonial sexuality after the 1990s, being concerned with temporality of the 1990s and the present. Nostalgia for the 1990s has been spread by TV drama <Answer! 1997>, <Answer! 1994> in which described that times when capitalist social environment was reconciliated with individual growth which was expressed through heroine and hero in the drama coming up to Seoul to enter university , romantic love, getting a job and marriage with first beloved. In this paper, I called the time consciousness of the 1990s as the pastoral capitalism, which proved impossible, considering the discourse on Sampo generation[삼포세대] who gives up romantic relationship, marriage and childbirth owing to economical condition. The misogynic discourse of Ilbe Storage[일베저장소], website of having anti-leftist, anti-feminist and right-wing tendency, reveals homo social and nationalistic feature. Studies on new women and comfort women in colonial period of Korea have begun in the 1990s. The rise of feminism was developed into curriculums of universities and popular cultures, which was prompted by democratization and liberalism of Korea around the late 1980s and the early 1990. In that same times, deconstruction of communist nations in the Western World forced the social landscape of post capitalism to be articulate in the cultural and intellectual texts with erasing pursuits for historical cause based marxism. The boom of studies on modernity of Korea in the early 20th century reached its peak in studies on new woman, in which new woman was described in heroine of modernity characterized by individualism and enjoyment of commercial culture of colonial capital Keijo [京城]. Many of scholars criticized on the negative discourse of new woman in the colonial period in reason of their behaviors not to meet nationalist cause. Of course, most of scholars were female intellectuals educated and teaching at universities. New woman became a representative representation of modernity and trans-nationality from the 1920s to the early 21th. On the other hands, comfort women became a nationalist representation, although a lot of feminists criticized that comfort woman movement leaded by Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan [한국정신대문제대책협의회] have made the representation as pure girls in sexual. However, it needs to accent the fact that repetitive testimonies of comfort women tended to "imagined community" and that various contents of which didn't satisfy with nationalist representations and narratives could also be told by listening to request to tell the painful experiences as comfort women. The fact it needed a long temporal gap for them to able to tell the experiences suggests to need to examine the relationship of colonialism and sexuality. Study on colonial sexuality need to reconstruct intimacy in the colonial society into the racial discourses and practices.

Sexuality, New Women, Japanese Military Comfort Women, Colonial Sexuality, Pastoral Capitalism, Neo-Liberalism, Ilbe Storage, The 1990s, Nationalism, Modernity, Racialization of Sexuality, Intimacy, 섹슈얼리티, 신여성, 일본군 위안부, 식민지 섹슈얼리티, 목가적 자본주의, 신자유주의, 일베, 1990년대, 민족주의, 근대성, 섹슈얼리티의 인종화, 친밀성



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Feminism and Korean Literature