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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

Vol.25 No.1


본 논문은 국내의 도시권리 담론에서 섹슈얼리티 관점이 부재했다는 점에 주목하여 기존 공간학계가 성적 반체제자(sexual dissidents)와 성애화된 도시공간(sexualized urban space)을 공론장에서 배제해왔음을 주장한다. 이에 필자는 도시 권리 담론을 더욱 풍요롭게 진행해나가기 위해서는 자본주의적 공간질서와 더불어 이성애 정상가족 규범적 공간체계 역시 예민하게 분석해야 한다고 언급하면서 2014 신촌 퀴어퍼레이드를 행위자적 측면에서 분석한다. 2014 신촌 퀴어퍼레이드의 참여자들은 패러디와 ‘되기’로의 수행, 작품적 걷기와 같은 행위를 통하여 이성애 정상가족 규범적인 도시공간의 공공성에 저항하고 균열을 낳으려 했다. 이는 르페브르가 언급한 작품으로서의 도시를 누릴 권리와 연관되며, 또한 그의 창발적 전유와도 연관된다. 퍼레이드 지지자들의 작품적 수행을 통해 2014 신촌 퀴어퍼레이드는 기존의 이성애 정상가족 규범적인 공공공간이 지니는 배제와 폐쇄성을 언급하였으며, 더불어 도시공간을 퀴어화할 수 있는 가능성을 보여주었다. 이러한 수행하에서 퍼레이드가 이루어진 공간은 일상에서의 LGBTQ/Queer 운동의 연대를 압축적으로 보여주는 지표임과 동시에 퀴어한 도시공간을 생산해나가는 ‘되어가는(becoming)’의 장으로서 존재하였다. 2014 신촌 퀴어퍼레이드에 참여한 주체들은 기존의 이성애중심성, 정상가족중심성에 대하여는 다양한 복수적 행위를 통해 저항하였으나 결론적으로 거리에서의 노출규범과 같은 ‘몸’ 자체에 대해서는 여전히 규범성을 탈피하지 못하는 모습을 보였다. 이러한 측면에 주목하여 필자는 퀴어한 퍼레이드가 지속적으로 ‘괴이한(queer)’ 장면을 생산해나가기 위해서는 몸의 노출을 둘러싼 공공공간의 규범, 더 나아가 성적 실천과 관련한 논쟁을 열어야 한다고 주장한다.


This study aims to explore the potentiality of ‘festive appropriation’ as a meansof spatial practice for deconstructing and rebuilding public space. The studied areasof Helsinki, Finland represent ‘filtered’ public space where the supposedly properbody and behaviour are carefully selected while the others are constantly excluded. Among the arts of selection and exclusion, strict controls over street vending andeating in particular, show how public space and public life are densely mediated. ‘Restaurant Day’ first came as a grassroots action against the controls, mobilisingone-day pop-up restaurants in mode of festivals. This paper reviews the literatureon public space, publicity and how they are mediated through signs, images, regulationsand surveillance and seeks to locate festive appropriation as a spatial strategyof deconstruction. Building on these, the study first provides a stark contrast betweenthe usual, mediated public space of everyday Helsinki and the unusual, appropriatedpublic space of Restaurant Day. This contrast reveals how the state, bureaucratsand individuals spatially project their rules on one side and marginalise the inappropriateon the other. Second, the study investigates how Restaurant Day temporarilyoverturns everyday order by enabling people to festively and simultaneouslytake part in the action. With the order overturned, the space for alternative identityand social relation emerges. Public space rebuilt on the restored publicity is thefruitful outcome of festive appropriation. In the end, the study reminds us thatthe promise of rebuilding public space is in the hands of the people and calls forthe need for action.


This paper aims to conceptualize the inclusive city as a city vision for overcomingmulti-dimensional and complex social exclusion and to evaluate and reinterpret therelated urban policies in Korea. For this purpose, I inquire into the context anddefinition, dimensions, and geographical scale of the inclusive city based on literaturereview. Specifically, I propose three dimensions, spatial inclusion, participation, andinterdependence to use as a framework for analyzing specific urban policies. TheKorean urban policies analyzed include affordable housing quota systems(AHQS),public rental housing, and community support projects(CSPs). The results of analysisshow that AHQS tenure regulation and the rental housing supply have contributedto spatial inclusion, while CSPs have contributed to participation and interdependence. Overall, the Korean policies related to the inclusive city are just in thebeginning stage, and thus the country needs to continue to expand on the relatedpolicies in order to achieve the vision of the inclusive city.


There have been a growing number of citizen-led energy transition movementssince the Fukushima nuclear power disaster. Citizens who were previously only energyconsumers are changing themselves to become energy producers by organizingenergy cooperatives. In particular, this movement has actively occurred in Seoul,where the “One Less Nuclear Power Plant” policy has been implemented. This studyexplores the possibility for energy cooperatives to be a strategic niche and constructivespace in which energy citizenship is realized, adopting the perspective thatenergy production, distribution and consumption comprise a socio-technical system. The study also tries to identify the institutional barriers facing the active promotionof energy cooperative movements as a means of expanding a strategic niche andinnovative space for energy transition. With this purpose, in-depth interviews targetingsix energy cooperatives with completed solar power facilities in Seoul wereconducted. This study concludes that energy cooperatives have not fully fulfilledtheir potential as a niche for energy transition because of diverse institutional barriers. Policy recommendations from study findings include the revival of feed-in tariffsor the creation of a benign REC trading environment, if RPS is maintained, forsmall-scale electricity producers, readjustment of low-interest loans, active participationof education offices, and expanding the overall scale of support for renewableenergy.


This empirical study aims to examine the terrain of civil society in Seoul, wherethe non-governmental organizations(NGOs) work in three different sectors; national,regional, and local. While the central sector has excessively developed, the othertwo sectors that make the basis of civil society remain underdeveloped. Particularly,the regional sector that links the national and the local is far left behind. Not onlybeing disconnected from each other, but also all three sectors are diverse in features. The national sector has experienced an explosive growth, as various non-governmentalgroups formed and competed each other in this sector. Whereas, theregional sector can be described as ‘unexplored’ space and the local sector, whichhad long been characterized by the local activities of the ‘National MovementOrganization’, demonstrates new changes originated from the recent ‘CommunityBuilding Project’ by the Seoul Metropolitan Government.


본 연구는 2008년 수도권 규제완화의 효과를 이중격차분석틀을 이용해 실증적으로 분석한다. 통계청의 「전국사업체조사」를 이용한 신생기업 입지에 대한 분석과 한국산업단지공단의 「FEMIS」를 이용한 산업단지 입주업체 입지에 대한 분석의 결과에 의하면, 전반적으로 2000년대 들어 지역 간 격차가 축소되는 추세를보이고 있었으나 중앙정부의 수도권 규제완화로 인해 이러한 추세가 약화되었음을 관찰할 수 있다. 특히, 규제완화 이후 비수도권에 비해 수도권에서 신생 제조업체의 입지가 개별 읍면동에서 평균적으로 1.5개만큼 많아진 것으로 나타난다. 또한, 산업단지 내 기업입주에 대한 분석에서는 비수도권에서만 중소기업 대비대기업 입주업체가 규제완화 이후에 통계적으로 유의하게 개별 산업단지에서 평균적으로 4.1개만큼 감소한 것으로 나타난다. 비수도권을 강원/충청과 호남/영남/제주로 구분하는 경우 수도권에서 보다 먼 호남/영남/제주에서 산업단지 내 중소기업 대비 대기업 입주업체 수 감소폭이 좀 더 커 비수도권 내에서도 규제 완화의 영향이 지역 간 상이하게 나타난다.

Space and Environment