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  • P-ISSN1229-4632
  • E-ISSN2733-5925
  • KCI

Are Zombies Capable to Be Affected? : The Affect of Neo-Liberalism and Future of Female-Survivors in Train to Busan

Feminism and Korean Literature / Feminism and Korean Literature, (P)1229-4632; (E)2733-5925
2016, v.0 no.39, pp.67-100
Yun-Jong Lee


This paper hypostatizes the affect as an emotional and cognitive response to the present neoliberal capitalist order and inquires into the affective turn recently emerged in South Korea. To do so, it reads and analyzes a text of the first Korean zombie film, Train to Busan, which has sold ten million tickets in summer of 2016, as an allegory of South Korean affect that represent the nationally on-going affective turn. The film not only symbolizes the precarity of the noble survival of a human being under the neoliberalist order but also visualizes the quantity of zombies versus humans as that of the precariat, the majority (99%) of the population and the very few privileged (1%). Along the line with the issue of the precariat, a new global class in the neoliberalist capitalism, this study thus interrogates the film's closure wherein ultimately survive two females, namely a pregnant housewife and an elementary-school girl and questions if that is a happy ending. By doing so, it not only questions the possibility of zombies affecting and being affected but also addresses a "cruel optimism" or cruel future of the survivors in this patriarchal capitalism that only requires women to be the biological tool of reproduction.

Affect, Affetive Turn, Gender, Feminism, Zobmie, Neoliberalism, Precariat, Future, Optimism, Lauren Berlant, Franco 'bifo' Berardi, Train to Busan, Yeon Sangho, 정동, 정동적 전환, 젠더, 여성주의 좀비, 신자유주의, 프레카리아트, 미래, 낙관론, 로렌 벌랜트, 프랑코 베라르디 비포, 부산행, 연상호



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Feminism and Korean Literature