ISSN : 1226-9654
The literature demonstrated that the word superiority effect was consistently found in English, but not in Korean. Rather, mixed results, the word superiority effect and inferiority effect, were found in Korean. The inconsistency among research findings might be due to the diversity in Korean letters and its resultant difficulty in research methodology. The purpose of this study is to examine the word superiority effect in Korean letters using a modified paradigm developed by Reicher(1969). In this study, Korean letters only with English arrangement were used for the Experiment 1 and ones with typical Korean arrangement were used for the Experiment 2. The results showed the word superiority effect as well as coding-unit superiority effect in Korean letter regardless of arrangement. Also, consonant superiority effect, a phenomenon that consonants are recognized better than vowels, was found. This results suggested that The hypothesis of global shape does not explain the word superiority effect in Korean letter which are characterized by assembling letters in order to maintain square frame.
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