ISSN : 1226-9654
Using the repetition priming paradigm the author investigated orthographic and morphological processing of native Korean words. In Experiment 1, monomorphemic, bimorphemic, and unrelated primes which shared an initial syllable with a target word were found to bring about facilitation for masked priming condition but inhibition for long SOA condition. In Experiment 2 morphological processing of native Korean words was examined with morphological, orthographic, and unrelated prime-target pairs. The hypothesis that size and direction of morphological priming is dependent on lexical characteristics of stimuli was also tested. Significant morphological priming was found irrespective of the position of a morpheme shared by prime and target on the three different SOAs, but orthographic inhibition was not found to be significant in any condition. The study succeeded in discovering orthographic facilitation and morphological facilitation in Korean word recognition for the first time, and this suggests that the failure to find morphological priming in previous studies might be closely related with the lexical characteristics of Sino-Korean words used as their stimuli. Based on the results, the author suggests that morphological priming is hard to find because of slow morphological processing and inhibitory orthographic processing resulting from ambiguous Kulja-morpheme correspondence of Sino-Korean words. Differences among word types and their consequences in lexical processing were discussed.
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