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Processing of Korean Noun Eojeols

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2010, v.22 no.4, pp.621-638

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A Korean noun eojeol (hakkyo'ei) is a combination of a noun (hakkyo) and a particle (ei). Early studies suggested that a noun eojeol was decomposed into a noun and a particle before accessing the pre-existing mental lexicon. The present study investigated the representation and processing of eojeols using the primed lexical decision and eojeol judgment tasks. Response times to target words (Exp. 1) and target eojeols (Exp. 2) were measured. In Exp. 1, it was found that even the masked eojeol primes facilitated the responses to the target nouns which were the same one as included in the priming eojeols (kai'in'ui—kai'in). This result supports the possibility that decomposition and activation of noun might take place at the earliest stage of eojeol processing. In Exp. 2, in the condition of masked prime, priming effects were almost the same between pairs sharing the same eojeol (kakyek'ul—kakyek'ul) and pairs sharing only noun (kakyek'i—kakyek'ul), but in the SOA 200㎳ condition, priming effects were significantly larger for the same eojeol pairs than the same noun pairs. The former result suggests that there might be no pre-existing store for eojeols, and the latter one indicates that an eojeol representation is formed by combining a noun and a particle at a later stage. Other issues related to Korean eojeol representation and processing were discussed with reference to word recognition and sentence comprehension.

단어 인지, 명사 어절, 어휘 분리, 독서, word recognition, noun eojeol, lexical decomposition, reading



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The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology