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Recognition of Global Character Type in Initial Phase of HANGUL Character Identification

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
1992, v.4, pp.16-24
Mi-Hyun Kim (Korea University)
Mahn-Young Lee (Korea University)
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Many of the system modeles for pattern identification of hangul character have adopted a separate subsystem of global character type classification as an initial part. The subsystems umanimously classify hangul characters into six types. The present study determined psychological realities of the subsystems. Thirty six subsystems were asked to identify or guess the presented characters individually through T-scop for short duration. The presentation time was varied into three levels, which were determined through preliminary experiment. The shortest duration was determined to ensure abiout 10% of correct chracter identification in average rate, while the longest duration to ensure about 85% of correct identification. The results of two Experiments strongly support the hyphothesis of this study. That is, when the stimulations are presented is under threshold, the rate of correct subsystem identification is high but, to the rate of correct chracter identification is low. This suggests that the process of the subsystem be taken before that of the chracter is, at the early stage of the perception.


The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology