ISSN : 1226-9654
For investigating whether the moment of inertia be the crucial perceptual invariant and perceptual differentiation on moment of inertia would enhance the accuracy of golf putting, the present experiment was conducted from the perspective of the ecological psychology. Group A used the putter of fixed weight(500g), and group B used the putter of varying weight(500g, 625g, 750g) for the practice, and they used the same fixed weight putter(500g) for the test. The moment of intia of the 500g putter was .173kg·m2, the 625g putter was .235kg·m2, the 750g putter was .298kg·m2. The accuracy of the two groups was compared based on their five sessions of putting, and the results showed that there were significant differences on Day, and, also, on interaction of Day and Group. The result of interaction between Day and Group showed us that in the beginning the performance of Group A was superior to Group B, but as the practice continued the performance of Group B became more accurate than Group A, and this result supported the hypothesis of the present study. In sum, the perceptual differentiation theory of E. Gibson can be properly applicable to learning of the golf putting.
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