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Action capability enhances visual sensitivity in the extrapersonal space

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2015, v.27 no.3, pp.543-560
(Johns Hopkins University)
(University of Texas at Austin)

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The physical space around an observer can be divided into the peripersonal space that immediately surrounds the observer and the peripersonal space that cannot be reached by the observer’s hands and other body parts. Actions are mostly executed in the peripersonal space, in which visual processing integrates with somatic perception and enhances visual representations of objects. Recent studies have provided evidence that similar multimodal integration takes place in the extrapersonal space as well if tool-use enables an observer to act towards objects there. Here, we tested if action capability can improve visual sensitivity in the extrapersonal space. Participants performed a task in a distant screen of a computer by using a keyboard. The effect of action capability on visual sensitivity was measured in terms of contrast threshold. Experiment 1 compared threshold changes in one group of participants, who manipulated the movement of a target ball with those in the other group of participants, who did not have a chance to manipulate the ball movement. The improvement in visual sensitivity was greater in the action group than in the observation group. Experiment 2 allowed individual participants to manipulate the movement of a target ball in a part of the screen but not in another part of the screen. Participants showed greater improvement in visual sensitivity only in the screen area in which they were capable of moving the ball. These findings suggest that action capability activates actor-centered coordinate systems in parietal cortex, which in turn enhance visual representations of the extrapersonal space.

행위 가능성, 개인외 공간, 개인주변 공간, 시각 민감도, 대비역, action capability, extrapersonal space, peripersonal space, visual sensitivity, contrast threshold



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The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology