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The Influence of Amodally Completed Motion on Perceived Duration

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2016, v.28 no.2, pp.271-284

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A moving object is temporarily invisible as it passes behind an occluding surface, but people perceive it as moving continuously behind the occluder, suggesting that the representation of the moving object is amodally maintained during its disappearance. The current study investigated whether the display where object invisibility is interpreted as amodal completion of a hidden object moving behind an occluder results in greater time dilation than in comparable displays that lack the interpretation of amodal completion, by manipulating the binocular disparity depth of the surface which can potentially work as an occluder in 3D displays. The result shows that the display involving amodally completed motion is perceived as longer in duration than the display where object invisibility does not entail amodal completion. This result runs counter to the prediction based on psychophysical factors previously implicated in time perception, such as overall stimulus salency, motion energy, attention and predictability. It suggests that time dilation for moving objects is mediated by higher level motion processing based on surface representation.

time perception, time dilation, tunnel effect, amodal completion, surface representation, 시간지각, 시간확장, 터널효과, 무형완성, 표면표상



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The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology