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Cognitive Psychological Considerations for Efficient Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) : Inner-Outer Compatibility Approach

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
1991, v.3, pp.117-130
Jung-Ho Kim (Duksung Women's University)
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The present paper proposes some considerations for efficient Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from the viewpoint of cognitive psychology. Especially, regarding the interaction between Human and Computer as a kind of human inforrraation processing, the considerations for efficient HCI are discussed from the viewpoint of Inner-Outer Compatibility (Kim, 1985 : Kim, 1986b, 1991), which was suggested as a conceptual framework for explaining human information processing in general.


The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology