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The Role of Medial Septum in Conditioned Fear in the Rats

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
1991, v.3, pp.22-31
Bong-Kyo Chung (Yeungnam University)
Jing-Young Park (Yeungnam University)
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The present study examined the role of medial septum in the acquisition and peformance of conditioned fear in rats. Two experiments were conducted in the modified light/dark choice procedure. On the first training day, each animal was enclosed in the dark compartment and given a series of 3 footshocks at 20 ses intervals. During the second testing day, the animals were placed in the light compartment and allowed to choose the 2 compartment for 10 minutes. In Experiment 1, the infusion of lidocaine into the medial septum before testing decreased the latency to enter into the dark compartment and increased the time spent by rats in the dark compartment. In Experiment 2, the infusions of diazepam and β-CCM into the medial septum before testing decreased the latency to cross into the dark box. So, the mediating role of medial septal benzodiazepine receptors in the conditioned fear was uncertain. It may be the case that medial septum is much involved in the performance of conditioned fear. It is also suggested that the functional blockade of medial septum reduced anxiety through a disinhibition of the inhibitory avoidance following aversive conditioning.


The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology