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Effects of Arousal Level and Odour on P300 Amplitude

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
1992, v.4, pp.160-172
Young-Hwa Yun (Korea University)
Seon-Ho Min (Pacific R & D Center)
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Present study was conducted to investigate the effects of arousal level and odour on the P300 amplitude. To obtain P300, subjects were requested to detect and count infrequent high-pitched tones interspersed frequent low-pitched tones(odd-ball paradigm). In experiment 1, in order to examine the effects of drousiness and arousal on the P300, amplitude P300 was obtained immediately after subjects took a nap or drank a coffee and rested. The result showed drowsiness decreased and arousal increased the P300 amplitude. Experiment 2 was conducted to examine whether the P300 was sensitive to the stimulating or sedative effects of some odours with odd-ball paradigm. The results of experiment 2 showed odours affected the P300 amplitude, that is, jasmine and rose increased while lavender and chamomile decreased the P300 amplitude. We suggest that P300 is a sensitive measure of the effects of odour on the brain electrical activities.


The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology