ISSN : 1226-9654
The present study used sorting tasks and multidimensional scaling method to obtain psychological dimensions of risk perception from risk related adjectives and risk objects. In study 1, we selected 50 risk related adjectives and had participants sort them four times. We chose a four dimension solution and interpreted them as ‘activation(or arousal) level’, ‘predictability of dread’, ‘severity of risk’, and ‘severity of psychological response.’ In study 2, we selected 40 representative risk objects and had participants sort them four times. In addition, each risk object was rated with the property scales from the four dimensions of adjectives of study 1. We chose a four dimension solution and interpreted them as ‘predictability of occurrence', ‘perceived severity’, ‘public vs. personal’, and ‘common vs. rare.’ The property ‘predictability of dread' fitted well with ‘predictability of occurrence' and the rest three properties fitted well with ‘perceived severity.’ In study 3, we tested the psychological plausibility of ‘predictability of occurrence' and ‘perceived severity’ by using odd one out tasks, and the results suggested that it was easier to distinguish risk objects by ‘perceived severity’ than by ‘predictability of occurrence.' Finally, implications were discussed.
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