ISSN : 1226-9654
This study explored changes for Japanese in perceptual representations of Korean Alveolar stop consonants(/t, t*, th/, /ㄷ, ㄸ, ㅌ/) during discrimination learning tasks. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants seemed to develope perceptual dimensions for Korean stop consonants through identification training of phonetic stimuli. The categorization of three phonetic stimuli greatly improved. According to a multidimensional scaling analysis, within-category phonetic stimuli were perceived more similar to each other than between-categories phonetic stimuli. This result suggested that discrimination learning led to classification of the unfamiliar phonemes into new phonological categories. The identification rate of /t*/ in the post-test of Experiment 2 was higher than that of /t/ or /th/. These results can be interpreted as showing the influence of Japanese phonological structures on the phonological perception of Korean consonants, because phonetic characteristics of Korean tense(for example, /t*/) were similar to that of a voiced consonant(/d/) in Japanese with respect to VOT. Selective attention to a VOT dimension is believed to be responsible for discrimination of /t*/ from other consonants.
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