ISSN : 1226-9654
Cerebellum has been shown to be critically involved in the aversive classical condtioning. The present study was undertaken to determine whether the cerebellum is essential to learn lever pressing conditioning of the rat using trained to press a lever in the Skinner box to get a drop of water. After interpositus and dentate nuclei. Six animals that were lesioned bilaterally at the interpositus and dentate nuclei and eight ones lesiond at the surrounding areas showed good retention as well as six control animals that were sham-operarted. In experiment 2, twelve animals were lesioned at the cerebellar interpositus and dentate nuclei and seven ones were sham-operated and then all lesioned at the interpositus and dentate nuclei and three ones lesioned at the surrounding areas displayed no difference from seven control ones in the acquisition. The results indicate that the cerebellum is not critically involved in the appetitive instrumental conditioning of the rat.