ISSN : 1226-9654
The syllabic priming effect has been reported in many languages when a prime and its target share the same syllable at the word-initial position. Two experiments were run to determine whether the effect was orthographic or phonological. The priming paradigm with the lexical decision task was adopted for the experiments. Primes were presented masked or visible with SOA 57 msec and SOA 200 msec. Experimental prime-target pairs shared phonological, orthographic, orthographic-phonological, or unrelated syllables. In Experiment 1 and 2, orthographic pairs were responded as fast as orthographic-phonological pairs while phonological pairs were responded slower than orthographic-phonological pairs. These results are not consistent with the hypothesis that phonological syllables play a dominant role in visual recognition of Korean words. To explain the results obtained in this and other related studies, we proposed a modification to the dual-route cascaded (DRC) model to include a Kulja processing unit between the letter unit and the orthographic lexicon. The modified DRC model was successful in explaining the roles of orthography and phonology in Korean word recognition.
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