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The Effects of Oral Reading on Word Recognition

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2011, v.23 no.2, pp.271-285

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Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of oral reading on word recognition. Experiment 1 aimed to examine how naming and lexical decision performances differ as a function of pre-task treatment: oral reading, silent reading, and non-verbal mental rotation. The results of Experiment 1 revealed no significant effect of oral reading on naming and lexical decision. In Experiment 2, how individual differences in subvocalization during reading modulates effects of oral reading was explored. For this, subvocalizers and non-subvocalizers were divided according to their scores in the articulatory suppression task. The results showed that subvocalizers performed naming better after a 10-minute oral reading practice. But, for lexical decision, subvocalizers did better in the silent reading condition, whereas non-subvocalizers did better in oral reading condition. The results from the two experiments were explained in terms of facilitaions in lexical access.

oral reading, subvocalization, word recognition, lexical decision, naming, 낭독, 음운변환, 단어인지, 어휘판단, 명명



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The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology