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Dissociation between categorization and recognition due to time delay in learning-transfer phase experimental paradigm

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2011, v.23 no.3, pp.375-391

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The dissociation of recognition and categorization is found in brain-damaged patients at learning-transfer phase experimental paradigm. We investigated whether time delay variable that has an effect on discrimination sensitivity among instances for performance can explain dissociation of recognition and categorization within the frame of single memory system. Knowlton & Squire(1993) considered dissociation of categorization and recognition in brain-damaged patients as a primary evidence for multiple-memory system. In our study we tried to find out the possibility that the dissociation could be shown due to time delay that can have discriminative effect on categorization and recognition individually. Especially, unlike previous studies that took different tests in the transfer phase of categorization and recognition, we presented the same tasks at the transfer phase and compared the performance results directly. We added reaction time as a dependent variable besides accurate response. Participants completed the categorization and recognition test phase either immediately or after 1 week and 2 weeks delay after learning phase by using dot pattern task. As a result, accurate response rate decreased and accurate response time was also slow due to time delay. There was no interaction effect between the task and the time delay both accurate response rate and time. In other words, time delay variable didn't have distinctive effect on categorization and recognition. However, when the results were analyzed separatedly for the two tasks, categorization performance was not affected whereas recognition performance was decreased due to the time delay. The implications of these results were discussed in the final section.

categorization, recognition, dissociation, learning-transfer experimental paradigm, dot pattern, time delay, 범주화, 재인, 해리, 학습-전이단계 실험패러다임, 점패턴, 시간지연



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The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology