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Verifications of the low-cost eye-tracker KSL-240

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2011, v.23 no.4, pp.653-663

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We tried to verify a low-cost eye tracking device(Model KSL-240) designed in our Lab, using a commercialized eye tracker device(Tobii 1750). Participants were asked either to move eyes or to move mouse cursors to the location of a red circle presented in the target display, and they were assigned to three experimental conditions(KSL-240/Tobii 1750/Mouse Tracking). As results, 1) accuracy of the Mouse Tracking condition was 100%, 2) accuracy of the KSL-240(92%) eye tracking condition showed better performance over the Tobii 1750(79%) condition, 3) mean response time of the eye movements in the KSL-240(598ms) condition was somewhat slower than that of the Tobii 1750(466ms) condition, and the Mouse Tracking (808ms) condition was the slowest. In conclusion, it was suggested that the model KSL-240 eye-tracker could be used as a device which might be able to substitute more expensive, commercialized devices.

KSL-240, eye-tracker, mouse-tracking, Tobii 1750



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The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology