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Outcome Determines Intention: Korean's intention and intentionality judgment

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2014, v.26 no.4, pp.317-341

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The side-effect effect (2003a, 2003b, 2004) states that the moral consequence of one’s action influences the inference of intentionality of the action but does not influence the judgments of actor’s intention. The goal of this research was to validate Knobe and Burra (2006)’s argument that the side-effect effect is culture-universal by investigating whether Korean revealed the effect. In this research, we performed three experiments. In Experiments 1 and 2, we looked at the impact of moral consequences of an action on judgments of the actor’s intention (Experiment 1) and on those of intentionality of the action (Experiment 2). The results indicated that the moral consequences of an action mediate both the intention judgments and intentionality judgments. For a morally wrong consequence, Koreans believed that an actor performed an action intentionally but that an actor did not perform an action intentionally for a morally good consequence. Contrary to prediction of the side-effect effect, the same patterns were observed in intention judgments. Experiment 3 tested two alternative hypotheses about Koreans’ moral judgments reported in Experiments 1 and 2, ‘the modified mind-behavior consistency’ hypothesis and ‘the stronger side-effect effect’ hypothesis, The results suggested that ‘the stronger side-effect effect’ hypothesis explain Koreans’ intention and intentionality judgments better than ‘the modified mind-behavior consistency’ hypothesis. Possible implications and limitations were discussed.

The Knobe effect, moral reasoning, intention, intentional action, cultural difference, 부수적-결과 효과, 의도, 의도성, 문화차, 도덕 판단



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The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology