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Neuroaesthetics Now-Development and Prospect

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2015, v.27 no.3, pp.341-365

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The field of neuroaesthetics has developed rapidly for last ten years or so, since the advent of an influential theoretical model of artistic appreciation and multiple primary research papers in 2004. This review responds to the growing interest in neuroaesthetics in and outside Korea, and seeks for a better understanding of accumulated research outcomes. For that, this review discusses major findings from several early neuroaesthetics works and moves on to the new tendencies of recent neuroaesthetics as follows; 1) classification of the sub-processes of art appreciation and more careful experimental design by introducing control tasks, by focusing on artistic expression more than portrayed objects, by exploring the neural substrates of moderating factors of aesthetic experience such as learning and expertise, by considering the contextual effect modulating aesthetic experience, and by examining what DMN does for art appreciation. Tendencies such as 2) extension to the other types of art including dance and architecture, and 3) usage of various research methods will also be discussed. Next, this review considers some potential limitations of neuroaesthetics in terms of the narrow definition of ‘beauty’ and the tendency of relying on subjective experiences. Based on these, this review seeks for an updated research direction of neuroaesthetics.

neuroaesthetics, fMRI, art, appreciation, perception, emotion, reward, DMN, 신경미학, fMRI, 예술, 감상, 지각, 정서, 보상, 디폴트모드 네트워크



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The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology