ISSN : 1226-9654
Nowadays, computer science has recently been introduced and used deep learning algorithms in the field of pattern recognition. However, those deep learning algorithm has not been utilized in the field of connectionist modeling of language process which has used pattern recognization algorithms for computational perspective yet. In this study, we made a modeling which use the deep belief network which is a type of deep learning algorithm, and train the relation between words and semantic. After training, the model conducted the lexical decision task for model, and the results were statistically verified that it is similar with result of behavioral experiment with frequency effect as center. As the results of this study, the model showed that model was able to conduct language process through drawing the frequency effect. This result suggested that the model which used deep learning algorithm is able to be used as connectionist modeling, and to simulate the language process of human. In addition, in this study, we discussed how deep belief network can be applied to the connectionist modeling.
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