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Deficits of emotional body language recognition in college students with schizotypal traits: an event-related potential study

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2017, v.29 no.3, pp.261-286

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This study investigated the deficits of emotional body language recognition in college students with schizotypal traits using emotional body language recognition task and event-related potentials (ERPs). Based on the scores of Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire(SPQ), the normal control group (n=20) and the schizotypal-trait group (n=20) were selected. To examine the emotional body language recognition ability, participants were instructed to judge the emotional value conveyed by the presented stimulus, which could be either negative, positive or neutral. Behavioral results of the emotional body language recognition task showed that the control and schizotypal-trait group did not differ significantly in terms of error rate. However, schizotypal-trait group showed significantly delayed response time in neutral condition compared to the control group. In terms of event-related potentials, the control group showed significantly different N170 and P250 amplitudes between emotional stimuli (positive and negative) and neutral ones, whereas schizotypal-trait group did not show these differences between emotional and neutral stimuli. These results indicate that the controls could rapidly discriminate the emotion conveyed by body postures in body configurational encoding stage (N170), and efficiently made the cognitive effort using the stored emotional representations in specific perception stage (P250), whereas individuals with schizotypal traits had difficulties in these emotional processing. These findings suggest that individuals with schizotypal traits have deficits of emotional body language recognition, which could be a trait marker of schizophrenia.

schizotypal-trait, Emotional body language recognition, ERP, N170, P250, 조현형 인격 성향군, 정서적 신체언어, 사건관련전위, N170, P250



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The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology