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The Effects of Encoding-Retrieval Compatibility and Cohesiveness of Pictorial Materials on Memory(II)

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
1991, v.3, pp.34-47
Jung-Ho Kim (Duksung Women's University)
Mahn-Young Lee (Korea University)
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Two experiments were conducted to study the effects of encoding-retrieval compatibility and cohesiveness of pictorial materials on memory of descriptive information of parts with two types of pictorial materials : whole plicture (whose parts are contiguous to each other and make a meaningful whole) and part picture (whose parts are not contiguous to each other nor make a meaningful whole). Previous studies showed that non-cohesive picture(part picture) were better than cohesive picture (whole picture) in memory of descriptive information of parts. However, Kim (1985) showed no effects of pictorial cohesiveness on memory of descriptive information of parts when the encoding-retrieval compatibilities of whole group (who learned the whole picture) and part group (who learned the part picture) were controlled to be the same. Kim (1985) controlled the encoding-retrieval compatibility by manipulating the retrieval condition. The present study replicated the results of Kim(1985) controlling the encoding-retrieval compatibility by the manipulation of the encoding condition. With the results the effects of encoding-retrieval campatibility and cohesiveness of pictorial materials on memory are discussed.


The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology