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  • P-ISSN1226-9654
  • E-ISSN2733-466X
  • KCI

Exploring P3 differences in individuals with psychopathic traits during the pain judgment tasks: An ERP study

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2024, v.36 no.1, pp.39-54


This study investigated differences in emotional processing between a group with high psychopathic traits and a control group. 15 subjects in the psychopathic trait group and 15 subjects in the control group performed pain judgment tasks applying affective perspective-taking (Self vs. Other). P300(P3) of the participants was measured during the tasks to assess emotional processing in response to visual stimuli depicting painful or non-painful situations. When adopting the other-perspective, the psychopathic trait group exhibited a lower P3 amplitude than the control group. While taking the self-perspective, no P3 difference between the groups was observed. These results demonstrate that, in terms of their own distress, the psychopathic trait group may show levels of attention and emotional processing comparable to the control group. However, concerning others’ pain, the psychopathic trait group appears to face difficulties in attention and emotional processing.

정신병질 특성, 사건관련전위, P300(P3), 관점 수용, 고통 판단 과제, psychopathic traits, event-related potentials, P300(P3), perspective-taking, pain judgment task

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology