ISSN : 1226-9654
노화에 관한 인지심리학 및 신경심리학 연구, 그리고 인지신경과학 연구를 개관하였다. 지각 능력의 연령 관련 감퇴는 인지 능력의 감퇴와 관련된 것으로 짐작되며, 일화기억과 작업기억은 의미기억, 암묵기억 및 절차기억에 비해 노화의 영향을 크게 받는다. 인지심리학적 설명으로서 처리 속도의 저하(처리 속도론), 처리자원의 감소(처리 자원론), 억제적 통제의 감퇴(억제적 통제론), 감각기능의 감퇴(감각기능론) 등이 제안되었다. 신경영상 연구에 따르면, 형태나 공간 지각 도중 노인은 시각처리의 결핍을 전두엽을 포함한 다른 영역의 활성화로 보상한다(기능적 보상). 또한 노인의 일화기억 부호화와 인출에서 관찰된 전전두엽 활성화패턴의 감소된 반구비대칭성은 기능적 보상과 전두엽 퇴조(전두엽가설)에 기인한 것으로 짐작된다. 마지막으로 전두엽 가설과 같이 단일 기전에 근거한 일반화 모델의 문제점을 논의하였다.
As an introduction to the cognitive neurological bases of aging, an overview of cognitive psychological, neurological, and cognitive neuroscientific research on aging is presented. Recent aging studies on perception and attention, declarative and procedural memory, priming, and working memory are reviewed. Theoretical views of processing speed, processing resource, inhibition, and sensory function are discussed along with the constraints of generalized aging models based on single mechanism.
(1998) The attentional demands of encoding and retrieval in younger and older adults: I. Evidence from divided attention costs.,
(1997) Brain activation in young and older adults during implicit and explicit retrieval ,
(1997) Emergence of a powerful connection between sensory and cognitive functions across the adult life span A new window to the study of cognitive aging? ,
(1993) The search for a psychology of wisdom,
(2000) Wisdon: A metaheuristic (pragmatic) to orchestrate mind and virtue toward excellence. ,
(2002) Explaining neurocognitive aging: Is one factor enough?,
(1997) Age-related differences in neural activity during memory encoding and retrieval: a positron emission tomography study.,
(2001) Functional neuroimaging of cognitive aging., MIT Press
(1982191-211) The role of attentional resources, Plenum
(1980) Individual differences in working memory and reading,
(2003) Similar network activated by young and old adults during the acquisition of a motor sequence ,
(2000) Concepts and mechanisms of gains in cognitive aging, Psychology Press
(1983) Modularity of the mind, MIT Press
(2003) The hyperpriming phenomenon in normal aging a consequence of cognitive slowing? ,
(1994) Age-related changes in cortical blood flow activation during visual processing of faces and location Journal of Neuroscience,
(1995) Age-related reductions in human recognition memory due to impaired encoding,
(2000) Larger effect of aging on the perception of higher-order stimuli,
(1988193-225) Psychology of Learning and Motivation,
(1999) Inhibitory control, circadian arousal, and age., MIT Press
(1991) Dissociation of spatial and object visual processing pathways in human extrastriate cortex Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
(2003) Evaluating the interdependence of aging-related changes in visual and auditory acuity, balance, and cognitive functioning.,
(1994) Neuroanatomical and neuropathological changes during aging and in dementia Clinical Neurology of Aging, Oxford University Press
(1994) Adult age differences in repetition priming:A meta-analysis,
(2000) A speed-accuracy analysis of word recognition in young and older adults,
(1993) Why do semantic priming effects increase in old age? A meta-analysis,
(2000) Age-related differences in visual perception: a PET study. ,
(1994) Sensory functioning and intelligence in old age:A strong connection,
(1985) Executive control of thought and action,
(2002) Age, executive function, and social decision making: A dorsolateral prefrontal theory of cognitive aging.,
(1997) Application of positron emission tomography to age-related cognitive changes , M. Dekker.
(1999) Adult age differences in functional neuroanatomy of verbal recognition memory,
(2002) Aging and attentional guidance during visual search Functional neuroanatomy by Positron Emission Tomography,
(1997) Selective and divided visual attention: Age-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow measured by H215O PET.,
(1997) Inhibition in attention and aging ,
(2000) Attention and aging: A functional perspective. , Erlbaum.
(2002) Word stem completion in young adults and patients with Alzheimer's disease Evidence from cross-modal priming ,
(2003) Age differences in implicit memory: Conceptual, perceptual, or methodological?,
(1995) Frontal lobes, memory, and aging. ,
(1986) Attention to action willed and automatic control of behavior, Plenum Press
(2003) Selective adult age differences in an age-invariant multifactor model of declarative memory,
(2000) The basic mechanisms accounting for age-related decline in cognitive function, Psychology Press
(1998) Aging, intelligence, and anatomical segregation in the frontal lobes. ,
(1990) The attention system of the human brain,
(2000) Memory and aging: A cognitive neuroscience perspective., Erlbaum.
(2001) Frontal tests and models for cognitive aging ,
(1999) Aging of the brain and its impact on cognitive performance Integration of structural and functional findings , Erlbaum.
(2000) Aging of the brain and its impact on cognitive performance: Integration of structural and functional findings. , Erlbaum.
(1997) Selective aging of the human cerebral cortex observed in vivo differential vulnerability of the prefrontal gray matter,
(2001) Age differences in prefrontal cortical activity in working memory,
(1991) Theoretical perspectives on cognitive aging,
(1996) The processing-speed theory of adult age differences in cognition,
(1994) What are the memory systems of 1994? In D, MIT Press
(2002) Neural correlates of memory for object identity and object location: Effects of aging,
(2000) Implications of perceptual deterioration for cognitive aging research , Erlbaum.
(2000) Cognition, aging, and self-reports, Psychology Press
(1996) The developmental approach: Postformal thought as adaptive intelligence., McGraw-Hill
(1995) Differential effects of aging on memory for content and context:A meta-analysis,
(2002) Aging effects on memory encoding in the frontal lobes,
(1998) Neurochemical changes in the aging human brain: implications for behavioral impairment and neurodegenerative disease,
(1994) Hemispheric encoding/ retrieval asymmetry in episodic memory Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
(2000) Neuronal and cellular changes in aging brain, McGraw-Hill
(1995) The pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer's disease based on the cholinergic hypothesis:An updata,
(1996) An application of prefrontal cortex function theory to cognitive aging,
(2002) The dynamics of memory retrieval in older adulthood,
(2002) The nature of recollection and familiarity:A review of 30 years of research,
(1997) Cognitive gerontology and attentional inhibition: A reply to Burke and McDowd. ,
(2000) Human memory, Erlbaum.