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Vol.18 No.2

; pp.71-87

Two experiments based on hue scaling were conducted to identify the psychological unique hues corresponding to the opponent colors of Hering (1878)'s theory. Recently, Kuehni (2001a) used a color-chip selection task to identify the unique hues of English speakers and found different results from those of Oh et al. (2003) and Pak et al. (2005) where similar tasks were used with Korean speakers. The present set of experiments used different experimental tasks to ascertain whether the discrepancy between previous results was caused by task differences or genuinely different psychological representations of unique hues in speakers of different languages. Experiment 1 adopted a single-hue scaling paradigm frequently used in similar studies and Experiment 2 used a double-hue scaling paradigm that reflects Hering's opponent theory. Munsell color-chips were used in both tasks and the results supported the findings of Oh et al.(2003) and Pak et al.(2005) rather than those of Kuehni (2001a). The findings suggest that differences in unique hue judgments between speakers of different languages lie at a deep representational level and are not an artefact of the experimental task methodology. Theoretical implications of discrepant psychological unique hues across speakers of different languages are discussed.

; pp.89-107

Remington and Folk(2001) reported a dissociation between attention and selection by showing that not every dimension of attended stimulus was selected. In their experiments, the interference from attended foils (nontarget items) occurred in the task-relevant dimension but not in the task-irrelevant dimension when the response to a target conflicted with the responses to each foil dimension. These results suggested that only the task-relevant dimension, but not the task-irrelevant dimension, of foils was selected when the foils were attended. The current study investigated whether the selection of the dimensions depended on the allocation of spatial attention. To manipulate the degree to which spatial attention is allocated, we used different degrees of perceptual load and cue predictability. When the perceptual load of task stimuli was low, the task-irrelevant dimensions of attended foils were not selected as in the Remington and Folk's experiments. When the perceptual load was high, however, either the task-relevant or task-irrelevant dimensions of the attended foils were not selected. Cue predictability also affected the dissociation. When the high informative cues appeared at the foil locations, only the task-relevant dimension was selected. When the high informative cues appeared at the locations of the target or the neutral, however, neither the task-relevant nor the task-irrelevant dimension of foil was selected. These results suggest that the selection of dimensions of foil can depend on the top-down mechanism and/or the allocation of spatial attention.

; ; pp.109-126

The purpose of the research was to examine whether the perception of the three dimensional path of a moving object was systematically distorted by disconjugate eye movements. Subjects were required to report which part of the path of a vertically moving luminance- defined target object was closer to themselves while pursuing an object translating in depth dimension. Systematic perceptual distortion of the 3D path of the vertically moving luminance-defined object was found during disconjugate eye movements. Presence of a reference stimulus reduced the amount of perceptual distortion, although it did not completely remove it. This result implies that the eye movement-induced disparities are not completely compensated for with eye position information and that reference information might be importantly used in the compensation of eye movement-induced disparities.

; ; ; ; pp.127-138

We applied fMRI to examine brain activation differences between goal-directed (GD) and theory-of-mind (ToM) task. The main purpose of this study was to explore whether brain activation regions involved in intentionality detection (known as the basic mechanism of theory of mind) differ or not, according to task type. Left middle, inferior occipital gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, postcentral gyrus and right fusiform gyrus were activated with GD task. In contrast, ToM task activated left superior temporal gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, postcentral gyrus and right inferior occipital gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, middle frontal gyrus. Common activated areas between the task conditions were postcentral gyrus and inferior occipital gyrus. This finding suggests that different brain areas were activated according to task condition. The implications of these results for 'theory of mind' were discussed.

; pp.139-156

The literature demonstrated that the word superiority effect was consistently found in English, but not in Korean. Rather, mixed results, the word superiority effect and inferiority effect, were found in Korean. The inconsistency among research findings might be due to the diversity in Korean letters and its resultant difficulty in research methodology. The purpose of this study is to examine the word superiority effect in Korean letters using a modified paradigm developed by Reicher(1969). In this study, Korean letters only with English arrangement were used for the Experiment 1 and ones with typical Korean arrangement were used for the Experiment 2. The results showed the word superiority effect as well as coding-unit superiority effect in Korean letter regardless of arrangement. Also, consonant superiority effect, a phenomenon that consonants are recognized better than vowels, was found. This results suggested that The hypothesis of global shape does not explain the word superiority effect in Korean letter which are characterized by assembling letters in order to maintain square frame.

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology