ISSN : 1226-9654
Several problems in studying Hangul information processing were discussed. First, the ideal of Hangul orthography to perfectly transcribe Korean pronunciation has long been dominating among Korean scholars as well as Korean people, which can bias studies on Hankul information processing. Second, the problems caused by the Hangul-only system which insists on using Hangul only and expelling Chinese characters from Korean texts were discussed. The author pointed out that more efforts to scrutinize the consequences of ambiguous Kulja-morpheme correspondence of Sino-Korean words resulting from the system should have been made. Third, unification of two Hangul orthographies from North and South Korea is an urgent issue, which has to be solved for the year 2013 compilation of Gyeoremal-keunsajeon (Unabridged and Unified Korean Dictionary). The unification issue should be approached from the psychology of reading, and cognitive psychologists can play an important role. Finally, other controversial issues such as transliteration of foreign words were also discussed from the standpoint of reading efficiency.
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