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The Influence of personality trait on the Physical Attractiveness, Honesty and Extraversion

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
2017, v.29 no.4, pp.423-445

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This study examined the influence of personality information on perceptions of physical attractiveness. Personality information was constructed using adjective which proved honesty and extraversion in lexical studies of personality structure. 3 level of honesty(high, medium, low) and 3 level of extraversion(high, medium, low) combined in 9 type personality information. In the present study, 20 women and 7 men rated physical attractiveness of the other sex target photograph. participation rated every photograph twice, total 108 condition of target which randomized. target was given 54 photograph at a trial, 27 photograph had given with personality information, 27 photograph without. The photograph had given with personality information at first trial was given without at second trial. Statistical analysis, using repeated ANOVA, revealed that 3 level of physical attractiveness, 3 level of extraversion and 3 level of honesty have significant effect on attractiveness in condition with personality information. low level attractiveness photograph with personality information had rated more attractiveness than low level attractiveness photograph without. The more honest, the more attractive in every condition.

신체적 매력, 성격심리학, 정직성, 외향성, perception, personality, attractiveness, honesty



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The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology