본 고에서는 청소년이나 청소년기를 어떻게 규정할 것인가의 문제에서 출발하여 기성세대의 청소년관에 대한 부정적 청소년관과 발달심리학의 심리주의적 신화와 부정적 청소년관을 개관하였다. 더불어 활동-환경중심적 입장에서 청소년을 이해해야함을 제안하고, 현대 한국사회에 있어서의 청소년의 가치를 논하였으며, 오늘의 청소년을 어떻게 조망해야 할 것인가에 대한 문제를 논하였다.
The present paper tried to review psychological perspectives on adolescent in Korean culture. We suggested the starting point for study of adolescent should be on the definition of adolescent, i.e., what is adolescent. In oder to do it, we reviewed the perspective of the old generation, especially negative one, and myth and psychologism of developmental psychology on adolescent. Accordingly, we'd like to suggest an alternative approach on adolescent in psychology. That is called activity-environmental focused approach for studying adolescent. We also argued the value of adolescent in modern society and suggested how to view and approach the adolescent in psychology.
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