The drastically changing society has brought diverse types of families, and these diversities are changing the concept of the word 'family' itself. Inevitably, these changes cause different viewpoints among family members, developing into conflicts and social issues. In this paper, generational family problems, which are caused by changes within the family as a result of the variously, diversely changing society, are observed to suggest a resolution. Looking into the functional variety that today's structural change within a family demands, several positives changes described below have been observed; Firstly, the change in the way of interaction among family members; Secondly, the demand for continuance on relational functions including love, care, etc, as a psychological resource of family; Thirdly, the conversion from form's sake relationship to actual relationship; and Lastly, the usage of a clearer communications network. The interaction between the parent-children relationship, according to the changes in family life cycle, is also re-focused to seek resolutions for intergenerational conflicts. The results are as follows; Firstly, the changeability of various family types today must be accepted, and the functional aspects of changing families must be emphasized ; Secondly, the mutual-exchanging value of each generation must be accepted, strengthening relational functions between generations; Thirdly, it is necessary to refocus filial piety. In other words, though the intergenerational transmission of family functions may become the basis of lineage and clan formation, it won't be possible without interaction between generation.
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