The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of career indecision, job search behavior, and p-j/p-o fit among college graduates based on sub-scales of career indecision (lack of career information, lack of self-clarity, decisiveness, lack of necessity recognition, external Barrier). This study explored the effect of career indecision on job search behavior and p-j/p-o fit and the effect of job search behavior on p-j/p-o fit in longitudinal method. The main results were as follows: 1) Career indecision had negative effect on job search behavior and p-j/p-o fit. In other words, the higher career indecision level is, the less job search behavior is performed. And the higher career indecision level is, the lower p-j/p-o fit perception is: 2) Career indecision was connected with preparatory job search behavior and informal job search behavior: 3) Decisiveness of career indecision was connected with p-j/p-o fit and lack of self-clarity was connected with p-j fit. 4) Job search behavior was not connected with p-j/p-o fit. Thus job search behavior didn't have prerequisite for mediator between career indecision and p-j/p-o fit. The findings are discussed in terms of the implications for further research.
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