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Developing the Nuclear Effective Safety Index

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2007, v.13 no.3, pp.1-21

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The present research was conducted 1) to explore the factor structure of 'effective safety' and 2) to develop an index of effective safety. We recuited a total of 800 residents of the nuclear plant sites and 187 nuclear plant employers. Study 1 developed a scale of nuclear effective safety which consisted of four factors: Communication, Trust, Coping Ability of nuclear power plants, Emergency Coping Skills. We created the index of effective safety by converting the scale scores into a number 0 to 100. Overall, the index was very low 38..22, indicating that the residents of nuclear power plants sites were feeling very insecure about the safety of nuclear power plants. Moreover we found a consistent pattern of regional and sex difference. In Study 2, we asked the employees of nuclear power plants to answer the scale as if they were the residents, and we compared these numbers with the numbers the actual residents provided. We found that the level of safety that the employees expected the residents to experience was significantly higher than the level of safety the residents were actually experiencing. We discussed the pratical implications of the present findings.

안전체감, 안전체감 지수, 상대적 안전체감 지수, Nuclear Effective Safety, Index of effective safety, relative index of effective safety



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues